The Gate is a 1980s horror movie where three children are left alone for the weekend. Through a set of contrived circumstances, they open a gate to hell in the backyard.
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Tropes used in The Gate include:
- Body Horror: The demons cause an eye to grown in the protagonist's hand at one point.
- Demonic Possession: Happens to the protagonists best friend partway through the movie.
- Dragged Off to Hell: The protagonist's sister and friend. He has to rescue them.
- Hell Gate: The centerpiece of the plot.
- Jerkass: All of the sisters friends are this to the younger boys.
- The Legions of Hell: Are mostly tiny devil things. At first...
- Not Now, Kiddo: Not too painfully played, but the older sister doesn't believe them at first.
- Our Demons Are Different: Mostly small, hunchbacked gray imps with one huge, four armed sloth thing leading them. They also have more Lovecraftian themes surrounding them than Satanic ones.
- Separated From the Adults: The whole movie takes place while the parents are on vacation.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: The demons appear as the parents seconds after they first arrive. They break their disguise before they even speak, but all they ever say is "YOU'VE BEEN BAAAAAD!".
- Subliminal Seduction: Inverted. The record is openly occult and is actually part of the coincidence that summons the demons. Playing it backwards provides the spell to banish them.