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Is this really a fanfic? It's hosted on fictionpress, which doesn't do fanfic. If it is, what is it a fanfic of?


The Gift is your typical "boy becomes girl, girl freaks out, girl likes it, girl becomes boy again" story (maybe),
only without the tiny chocolate robots (awww...).
A Sci-Fi/Friendship/Humor/Romance/Mystery/Action story, with a hint of lemon.

—From the website

The Gift is one part Misfile, one part Quantum Leap and one part Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness. An in-progress Self-Insert Fic by TV Troper BMeph.

The story — 33 chapters published between April 2011 and August 2013 before it was apparently abandoned, can be found here.

Tropes used in The Gift (fanfic) include: