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  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: A lot of people just tend to make a fuss about the Twincestand completely forget about the rest of the book.
  • Iron Woobie: Ammu.
    • Jerkass Woobie: Sometimes the way she treats her children can be very frightening. But can you blame her when you look at how horrible her life is?
  • Tear Jerker: The last two chapters, which cover Rahel and Estha's sex scene filled with "hideous grief," a Flash Back of Rahel saying goodnight to her mother that shows how much they really did love each other, and Ammu and Velutha's love. Especially the last chapter.
  • Values Dissonance: Surrounding the book itself. The last chapter was severely controversial at the time of its release. Why? Because of the painful, cathartic griefsex between a pair of twins? Nah, that gets a pass. The scene of policemen brutally beating a man to a bloody pulp while two seven-year olds watch? Nope. It's the part of loving, consensual sex between a Touchable woman and an Untouchable man. Shun!
  • The Woobie: Velutha and Estha. And Rahel. And everyone.