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  • Award Snub: Most people, including those within Hollywood, feel that this took the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects from more deserving films.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: One of the largest cases of this. Its overseas take was more than four times what it made in the US. Unfortunately, New Line sold the overseas rights cheap.
  • Misaimed Marketing - Aww, who wouldn't want a cute widdle armored bear plushie?
  • Moment of Awesome: When Iorek punches the Panserbjorne king's jaw right off his face and you could hear the whole audience go Oh Snap!
    • Very Oh Snap since you get that sound when half his face flies off.
    • When Lyra sneakily gives Mrs. Coulter a tin holding a mechanical bug set to shoot someone up with knock-out drugs. Mrs. Coulter thinks that it holds the alethiometer. Lyra then goes on to blow up the intercision machine, evacuate the children being held prisoner, and spit at the big scary guards. Nice.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Not only did the game have common problems with licensed games, it wound up serving as developer Shiny Entertainment's final game before they merged with The Collective and became Double Helix Games.
  • Special Effects Failure: When your movie, which has godawful CGI, wins the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, Prepare for hate not only from the Transfans and the Pirates fans, but also from the general public and many people from WITHIN Hollywood.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids? - There are gunfights and KO's in this movie. Characters die. However, despite that, the film was marketed to the same audience of The Chronicles of Narnia.
    • Which contains sword-fights and characters deaths.