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Henry didn't kill Richard[]

Or, at least, he didn't mean to kill Richard. Richard's accidental death was what caused Henry to snap and eventually turn into a sociopath. Later, he chose to take credit for his brother's death.

  • Any WMG on Henry's motivations would be putting more thought into the subject than the filmmakers did.
    • Sociopathy doesn't work that way. People don't turn into sociopaths, they just are born without a conscience.
      • Actually, I'm pretty sure mental illness is acquired just as much if not moreso than it is innate.
        • "Pretty sure" doesn't hold a candle to scientific evidence. While there are some theories which say that sociopathy could be developed from growing up in an environment that doesn't establish a sense of right and wrong for the child to follow, Henry doesn't seem overtly spoiled and I think it's obvious to anyone watching the film that he doesn't live in a ghetto. The only logical conclusion is that he was born with an inability to feel empathy. The whole "he lost the ability to care about human suffering because a death traumatized him" thing is...actually a lot stupider than the movie. Not every crazy killer needs a Freudian Excuse. Some kids are just born bad.
          • Except sociopath =/= evil serial killer type in every instance, or even a lot of the time. Most sociopaths never do anything more sinister than be insensitive and carry out mean actions when not afraid of reprisal, and even a lot of the ones who are considerably worse aren't exactly killing multiple people at ten years of age - at that age even most future serial killers are still torturing animals. I'd modify this theory by saying Henry was always a sociopath, but the little brother's death gave him a fascination with death, which is actually pretty normal for a kid whose lost a family member, but since he already had no empathy it made his sociopathy take on a much more dangerous form, so that if the baby hadn't died the movie would be about Mark, a kid in mourning who had the misfortune of having to spend his mourning period with his jerk of a cousin who wouldn't quit making insensitive comments about his dead mother and picking on his younger family members. It's still a longshot but somewhat better than assuming this is just The Theme Park Version of sociopathy.

The fall didn't kill Henry.[]

The last shot of him after he fell, showed no sign of blood or any splatter when he hit the rock and the water simply swept him away.

  • I dunno, that rock looked pretty fucking red to me.
  • It was red alright. There was some red in the water as well. So I think it's safe to assume the fall did kill him.
  • True but the red did look more like rust than blood.

Henry is The Stepfather .[]

The fall didn't kill him but it gave him amnesia and a murderous urge when it came to family. Not to mention the first Identity of The Stepfather before he changed it was Henry.

  • Or he could very well be Henry Lee Lucas. That movie showed him murdering an entire family.