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  • Complete Monster: Henry. Look at his other entries here and on the main page, and see how.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Henry's actions, one being killing a dog with a Nail Crossbow.
    • This film also does the impossible and makes Culkin's smile unsettling.
      • It wasn't already?
    • Mr. Highway.
  • Idiot Plot: If the characters would just take a look at Henry's actions, not be fooled by his obvious sociopathy and apathy, or just were able to figure out when he's acting, the plot would have fallen apart.
  • Moral Event Horizon: It probably doesn't count, but, killing a dog with a nail crossbow guarantees no sympathy, but, for a better Moral Event Horizon, just watch him throw a dummy into the street trying to crash several cars, and trying to kill his own family.
    • And if those don't convince you, he drowned his baby brother. Over a toy.
  • Narm: Henry falling to his death could have been pretty dramatic if it wasn't for the fact that there's no way in the world young Macaulay Culkin screaming doesn't remind you of Kevin McCallister.