Upcoming animated series (2012-???) co-created by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stan Lee and starring Schwarzenegger as himself... as a Superhero. The story is that after leaving the governor's office, Arnold decides to become a crime fighter and builds a secret high-tech crime-fighting control center under his house. Many aspects of the real Arnold's life are being animated for the series, including his wife and children. A comic book will also be released, published by Archie Comics in their first superhero endeavor in decades (though another comic company, Antarctic Press, did a similar parody with the same name. Nothing related to this show though). If the cartoon and comic book are successful, an animated 3-D feature film may follow — and possibly also a live-action version.
Because the debut of the project is still far away, some details may change before release.
- Affectionate Parody: Seems to be this of late-eighties to mid-nineties cartoons, and the toyeticness thereof. Though with Stan Lee these days, it's hard to say.
- The Ahnold: Averted; it's not really a parody, since it is Schwarzenegger. "The Ahnold" is however the name of his Cool Car.
- Animesque: The animation gives it a bit of this vibe.
- Applied Phlebotinum: Like any good superhero, the Governator has all sorts of cool gadgets, including super suits that allow him to fly into space, become invisible, walk through walls, or become a submarine; a throat spray that lets him speak any language, and a car that can become a helicopter, a submarine, and a boat.
- Cool Car
- Evil Teen Genius: Felon-e, 17-year-old creator of Felonbook, a social network for hackers.
- Fun with Acronyms: Gangsters Imposters Racketeers Liars and Irredeemable Ex-Cons, a huge organization of thugs. Or G.I.R.L.I.E. Men, for short.
- Ink Suit Actor
- Omniglot: The effect of the throat spray.
- Powered Armor: Run by solar energy!
- Rogues Gallery: Villains announce so far are Felon-e and G.I.R.L.I.E. Men.
- Sidekicks: Helping out the Governator are Hollywood makeup artist Maximillian Kuo, who helps with disguises, and 13-year-old cybersecurity expert Zeke Muckerberg.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Foofi, a Shih Tzu owned by Arnold's wife.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: He's an actor-turned-politician. Naturally, he's quite rich.