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The Grand Mudang Saga Season 3 Poster

Season 3

On his deathbed, the supreme dark leader is given an ironic second chance at life. He’s reborn as Jinmu, a young disciple of his rival clan, the righteous Mudang. Determined to make the best of a bad situation, he resolves to plunge the clan into corruption and debauchery by becoming their master disciple. Oblivious to this nefarious scheme, the Mudang begin to fall for Jinmu’s audacious approach to life and martial arts. Will Jinmu be the Mudang Clan’s downfall or just the kick in the pants it needs?

The Grand Mudang Saga (무당기협), also known as Path of the Shaman or Wandering Warrior of Wudang, is a 2020 Korean webtoon written by Eunyeol and illustrated by Hwaram. It was published on KakaoPage and Daum, and is being translated into English on Tapas and into French on Piccoma.

Tropes used in The Grand Mudang Saga include:
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