Chudnofski the minute Crystal Clear finished his 'You're Not Scary' rant. Especially when he blows up the entire building, something he obviously planned to do from the start.
At the very end, the police chase down Kato in the Black Beauty, only to zip right past the Hidden in Plain Sight Black Beauty with digital cloaking that turns it white. The car changes color back to normal, with the headlights flashing their signature green. It's a Knowing Wink/Aside Glancewith a car.
The Batmobile is cool, but can that bitch change color?
When there's no alternatives left and they could easily get shot, there's only one way to get rid of corrupt DA Scanlon: Ram him out of the building with the Black Beauty.
The Epic Tracking Shot where Chudnovsky tells his Mook to mobilise the gangs under his thumb, who pass the order to more hoodlums, and so on and so forth, all shown with camera views that inexplicably multiply like amoebas and lead up to the faux-Hornet massacre.