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  • Fridge Logic: How, exactly, does that double-barreled pistol reload?
    • Most likely from twin clips, and it's never shown re-cocking while the barrels are deployed, which would make sense.
    • Car cut in half, but still drivable because it's front wheel drive? Plausible, but isn't the gas tank usually toward the back? (Given how modified that car is, it's reasonable that the gas tank might have been moved)
      • A number of the FX in this movie (the method by which the Hornet and Kato escape Chudnofsky's death trap, the elevator cutting the Black Beauty in half, and driving the Black Beauty after it was cut in half) were tested by Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, and the rest of the crew on a Myth Busters Green Hornet special (featuring a guest appearance by Seth Rogen). As you might figure out on your own, only one of the effects (driving the Black Beauty after it is cut in half) rated as high as "plausible", and that assumed extensive modifications to the car.
      • There was a flamethrower in the front, so maybe they put a fuel tank in the front for it?
      • That's exactly what happened: at the scene at the gas station, you see Kato pop out the hornet symbol from the front grill to fill up.
    • "It was very difficult to make."