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  • John Coffey's death! Dear lord, in the knowledge that John Coffey has (almost) never hurt a fly, that he was basically acquitted on sight, and more importantly that he is completely innocent of the crime, this is really hard to watch..
    • Coffey's final words are just agony to witness:

Paul Edgecombe: John Coffey, you have been condemned to die by a jury of your peers, sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state. Do you have anything to say before your sentence is carried out?

John Coffey: I'm sorry for what I am.

(A hood is motioned to be put over him)

John Coffey': Please, Boss, don't put that thing over my face. Don't put me in the dark. I is afraid of the dark.

Paul Edgecombe: Alright, John.

    • What is especially hard to watch is the moment before this exchange, from the mother of the girls John was supposed to have killed.

 Does it hurt? I hope it does. I hope it hurts like Hell!

    • What is even worse is the knowledge that Coffey was apprehended while actively trying to resurrect the dead girls, but he couldn't.
      • Not only that, but literally the night before, John Coffey avenged the girls on their true killer: Wild Bill Wharton.