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 Fred: (to Flashback!Billy) Hey, are you gonna cry?

Billy: (sobbing) Shut up!

    • Billy licking everything in his house "goodbye". When he goes to an electrical outlet...
Mandy's reaction:

 Mandy: (decks Billy) Lick me, and I'll rip your lips off.

    • "I can spell my name real good. F-R-E-D F-R-E-D-B-U-R...G-E-R. Fred Fredburger! Yes."
    • This bit when Billy and Mandy agree to sue for custody of Grim is hilarious.

 Billy: I'll see you in court!

(cut to Billy standing on one end of a tennis court, dressed and prepared for a match)

Grim (Deadpan): Wrong court, dummy.

  • The ending of "My Fair Mandy". The middle was pretty good too:

 Grim: Hey mon, I just want to say, mon/If you'd only smile once in a while/Then maybe you wouldn't look so vile,

Billy: Just give it a trial!

Crabina: It's always in style!

Mandy: This song's a big, stinky, pile.

  • "Wishbones", where a Jackass Genie skull is granting characters' wishes. When Pud'n picks it up, he wished for "a cute little bunny that will love him". The result is a cute, pink rabbit who speaks in a demonic voice and, well...

 "Sometimes Love Hurts, Pud'n, and I love you a lot."


 Boogey: Is it not true that not only was your scythe stolen by a headless man wearing a pumpkin on his neck, but was also taken by Billy, Mandy, Irwin, Billy's father, Billy's mother, Billy's cousin (Nergal Jr.), Billy's cat, Dracula, General Skarr, Principal Goodvibes, Mrs. Claus, the Secret Snake Club, the Army, Scout Troop 701, the Sleestaks, the President, the mailman, the Dingleschmidt sisters, the Boogeyman, a llama, and a turkey salad sandwich... (ominously) hold the mayo?

    • The bit with Grim chasing Skarr, but the best line has to be:

 Grim: You can't outrun Death!

Skarr: That's why I have turbo!

    • After the gang come home having failed to catch Skarr, Harold points out that he gets fired from all of his jobs and got fired from his most recent one after eating all of the paper cups. Gladys overhears this and threatens to stab him with a heated pike.
  • "Here Thar Be Dwarves". That is all.
    • But to list some specifics:
    • Billy goes on a picnic by himself, because Grim and Mandy refuse to go due to a previous incident.

 Billy: Please pass the egg salad.

Billy's dad, wearing a monster suit: RAGGLE FRAGGLE. [picks up Billy and runs away with him]


{{[[[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]] Grim and Mandy continue eating nonchalantly}}]

    • Or the part when Billy enters the dwarf's flashback, shocking everyone in said flashback.
    • At the beginning Billy has made a huge mess in the kitchen to make one sandwich, one of the ingredients being a pink turtle, which is still alive.
    • Billy meeting and running away from a disheveled Yogi Bear. The best part is either when Boo-Boo comes out of the bushes revealing that he's now absolutely huge or when Yogi says he knows Billy is close and calls him dirty, to which Billy points out his last bath was over two weeks ago.
    • The part where the dwarves catapult Billy, who is disguised as an elf, into the elves' factory and he flies over Grim and Mandy:

 Grim: (helping Mandy wash a car) I wonder how Billy's picnic is going.

Billy: (flying overhead at high speed) HEY GRIM HEY MANDY!

Grim: That answers one question, yet raises so many others.

(Mandy sprays him in the face with the hose)

    • The line "And here is the dwarven closet of cleaning supplies!"
  • The aforementioned turtle also appears in "5 O' Clock Shadows", where the trio first arrive in the shadow world while Billy laments that everything looks the same.

 Billy: Same! Same stupid rug, same stupid couch, same stupid turtle... (turtle slowly walks over) Hey! A turtle! (the turtle bites him on the nose)

Mandy: Same stupid Billy. (smacks Billy, which causes the turtle to go flying across the room)

    • Billy and Mandy's counterparts in the shadow world. Shadow!Mandy is sweet and obsessed with unicorns, much to Mandy's disgust. Shadow!Billy is even dumber than the real Billy and his only means of communication are barking like a seal.
  • The entirety of "Everything Breaks" can probably qualify. It features highlights such as Billy smashing through the floor of his bedroom and landing at the kitchen table, throwing his bowl of cereal out the window after complaining that it's not pancakes (after which the bowl violently explodes), hijacking a school bus and driving through Skarr's garden on the way, and flooding the entire school-- and that's just the first few minutes!
    • Lord Pain "punishing" Billy... by going around breaking everything with him. And earlier, when they break Grim to pieces and his bones scatter across the screen.
    • Lord Pain showing Billy what his antics have wrought on his neighbors, with Harold trying to defend against an angry mob in a Frankenstein-style setting. He throws Gladys at them, to which she tells them he always gets that way during football season.
  • The episode when Boogie first appears and Billy and Irwin are watching TV:

 Irwin: This show is AWESOME!

Woman: Hey Doc, what are you doing with my legs?! (razor sounds) AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Doc: Oh stop it; I'm just shaving you!!

  • At the beginning of "Prank Call of Cthulhu", when Grim provides one of his ominous warnings to deter Billy from using the Phone of Cthulhu, Billy points out that his eyes are still on fire after he's done. He asks for something to put the fire out, and Billy gives him a pitcher of coffee, a bottle of hot sauce, a barrel of acid, and a container of rocket fuel, the last of which sets most of his head on fire and he runs to the bathroom (which Harold was in) to put it out.
  • In "Nergal's Pizza" Irwin, who is working at Grim's pizza restaraunt that's at war with Nergal's, annoys Nergal over the phone so Billy can pour dirty laundry into his sauce pot like Grim claims he uses in their commercial (after Nergal said Grim makes his pizza with bugs). Cue Nergal's Cluster Angrish Bomb when he sees the sabotaged pot.
    • Later on the second time Nergal Jr. infiltrates Grim's place he gets caught, and then sent back to Nergal in a pizza box. When Nergal opens the box Jr. complains that the pizza he was on had anchovies.
  • "Dream Mutt" had its moments, but the funniest is when Billy's new dog, Wiggy Jiggy Jed, wants to sleep in his bed, and Billy flails his arms at him in a ludicrous fashion:

 Billy: (flails his arms with each sentence) NO!! Bad dog! This is my bed!

  • This exchange from "Guess What's Coming To Dinner?", in which Hoss and Eris are posing as Billy's parents:

 Eris: (indicates Hoss) This is Billy's dad, (indicates herself) I'm Billy's mom, (pulls out a trout) and this is a trout. (she proceeds to smack Goodvibes around the head with it)

Principal Goodvibes: ...Why did you just hit me with a trout?

Eris: Because the mackerel wasn't fresh.

    • Another moment from the same episode:

 Mandy: Rollington Academy is for...

Billy: Geniuses! Which I is one of am!

    • And another:

 Billy: Ask me a question. Give me a challenge. Anything at all.

Grim: Who developed the theory of relativity?

Billy: That is a trick question, Grim. Everyone knows fruit bats are mammals.

    • And here's one from when Hoss was regaling Goodvibes with tales of his exploits:

 Hoss: There I was, surrounded by seven-foot tall zombie poop elves...

Goodvibes: How could they be elves if they were seven feet tall?

Hoss: It was a leap year.

    • Earlier on Harold suggests that Billy build robot duplicates of himself and Gladys. Billy points out that he already did; cue flashback to giant robots of his parents Gone Horribly Wrong.
  • Hoss Delgado calling Mandy a "fishwoman", and her reaction to it.
  • From "The Loser from the Earth's Core":

 Nergal: And so you see, Billy, I'm a sad, sad failure. I can't ever show my face in that household again.

Billy: (cheerfully) Well, maybe you can show some other parts of your body.

    • At the beginning when Billy comes home covered in mud, Gladys tells him not to get any on the floor. He then walks on the wall.
  • From "Creating Chaos":

 Eris: You're watching the paint dry?!

Billy: Shh, this is the best part!

  • From "The Most Greatest Love Story Ever Told Ever":

 Nergal Jr.: What's it feel like, being in love, Irwin?

Irwin: It's like a beautiful flower inside your chest that's trying to burst out through your ribcage.

Billy: Like my dad's heartburn!


 Grim: Reality is falling apart!

Billy: What's gonna happen to us?

Grim: I don't know! (grabs Billy and hugs him) But I'm gonna hold ya tight and never let go!

Billy: I love you, Grim!

Irwin: What about me, yo?!

Grim: Eh, you'll be fine.

  • Much of "Fear and Loathing in Endsville". Notably, the Johnny Cash Affectionate Parody song that spans the episode, as well as what happens when Dracula and Grim are starving in the desert.

 Giant Scorpion: My babies!

Dracula: Well maybe if you didn't make your babies so delicious, Dracula wouldn't have to eat 'em!

  • Any time Billy's face gets blown or ripped off:
    • The beginning of "Tricycle of Terror" has him crash his bike into a tree and he flies off, grinding his face across the road and looking up at two girls working a lemonade stand, his face now ripped clean open much to their horror.
    • In "Reap Walking" when he's making waffles (despite the fact that he obviously has no idea how to), he puts his mouth on the egg beater while it's still on, which then rips off his face. He says the batter tastes smooth.
    • In "The Loser from the Earth's Core" when Nergal pulls out an analog lawn mover that he borrowed he throws it away and it lands on Billy's face tearing it clean off.
    • In "Billy & Mandy Save Christmas" when the trio arrive at the North Pole, Billy wanders into a cave with what looks like a wampa and a rebel trooper who is dangling from the ceiling and the former rips off his face. When he comes back out he tells Grim and Mandy "Santa has sharp nails".
    • In "Billy & Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure" when Future!Billy (from the post apocalyptic Endsville ruled by Mandy and later by Fred Fredburger after he alters the timeline) goes back to the future he blows Present!Billy's face off, after which Present!Billy states "I like that guy".
    • During Grim's first story in "Short Tall Tales" Billy (as Pecos Bill) gets his face ripped off while battling the tornado.
  • "Substitute Creature":
    • The scene where Pud'n runs in fear after seeing the skull from a biology skeleton in the toilet (Billy replaced the skeleton with Grim in an effort to cheat his way through a test, a plan which backfired horribly since it was a math test and he told Grim it was history, which is Grim's best subject). He runs straight into a janitor and they both tumble down the stairs. Later on when he sees Nergal Jr. wrapping Ms. Butterbean in his tentacles, he runs into the janitor AGAIN (who now has a cast and bandages) and they fall out the window...which reveals the school is located on a tall mesa overlooking a desert.
    • Billy's reaction to Grim saying he's not good at math: "What's math?"
    • Mandy gives Irwin a telescope only to punch him and force it into his eye socket.
    • Later on after Jr. has taken on Ms. Butterbean's form he reveals that Billy drew a doodle of a clown with a flamethrower in place of an actual answer. Billy tries to remedy it by giving it a pirate hat.
    • When Billy and Sperg are in detention Mandy is still there simply because she wanted to watch Sperg get his comeuppance. She shows him her test paper has an A with 6 pluses.
    • When Jr. is torturing Sperg offscreen Billy points out "Sperg's got the same bunny underwear I do!".
    • At the end Pud'n looks in the toilet again and sees the skull is gone, but then looks up and sees Ms. Butterbean stuck to the ceiling with packing tape. It's only after he sees Grim that he faints.
  • In "Irwin Gets a Clue" there's a scene where Hoss and Irwin are in the former's truck and since's he not paying attention to the road at all he ends up driving into Snagglepuss, Yogi, Boo-Boo, and Huckleberry Hound. All of them except for the first one get caught on the windshield before flying off.
  • The beginning of "Detention X" where Billy assumes he killed Ms. Butterbean with a rancid apple (he didn't). His exaggerated reaction is what seals it:


  • Runaway Pants:
    • Billy when his and Jr's plan to pass the fitness test goes awry:

  Grim: Billy's out of control! Somebody do (realizing that Mandy's lack of enthusiasm sums up how both of them should feel) ...some...thing. (to Mandy) You're right. He's gone. Let's go sell his things.

  • The montage from "Lil' Porkchop" with Billy tending to Porkchop. Naturally Billy doesn't realize he needs water and keeps exposing him to heat, starting by taking him to a playground (on what he says is the hottest day in the history of the world) and putting him in the sandbox, then taking him to a tanning booth which burns him to a golden brown, and finally taking him to a restaurant where after eating the food he yells in pain and falls through the wall, after which he crumbles.
  • The entire clown episode.

 Grim: "Stop being afraid of clowns! Stop it you ninny! STOP! BEING! AFRAID! OF! CLOWNS!"

  • Irwin's alter egos in The Secret Snake Club, including Jimmy the Jackal, Mr. Magic Muttonchops, and Debbie.
    • Followed by his being dragged away by the Feds and protesting "This episode was supposed to be about snake nerds! SNAKE NERDS!"
  • From "Night of the Living Grim", after a sketchy underworld doctor attempts to treat Grim's "Encroaching Doom Syndrome":

 Doctor: We did everything we could, but I'm afraid your friend is... ALIVE!
