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  • The end of Jeff's first episode. "Some bugs just can't be squashed."
  • Alot of moments toward the end of "Underfist" surprisingly enough:
    • Fred Fredburger showing just how much he cared about the team.
    • Dracula helping Irwin accept his monster heritage.
    • Jeff and Fred's duet together.
    • Hoss accepting Irwin and even saying his name right.
    • Mindy's Heel Face Turn.
    • Skarr ending up betraying Bun-Bun, whom he was pretending to betray Underfist for (he spent most of the special hating the idea of the Underfist team, so his betrayal of them seemed so convincing.)
    • On a meta level, the movie in general could be considered this for Irwin.
  • I can't believe nobody mentioned this one from Big Boogie Adventure! When a giant octopus eats Billy alive, Mandy didn't seem to worry.....until later:

 Mandy: (with an unsure look) We don't need Billy anyway....right?

Grim: (shrugs)

Irwin: We need Billy!! (cries)

Mandy: (hits Irwin with an arm for paddle) Billy is....always fine...(looks down to the river and quickily wipes a tear)

  • How about the ending to "aren't you chupacabra to see me?

 billy: (tearing up) I-I love you, Daisy!

daisy the chupacabra: (fading) I love you too billy (vanishes)

Billy: NOOOOO!!!

    • everything that follows, however, is hilarious :D