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 Before the world can be free

A bloom of murdered innocence shall be seen

In the woods above the ancient city of Veridian

Where nine identities shall be revealed


Characters who appear in The Guardians of Time Trilogy.

The Guard[]

Ethan Roberts[]


 And a brave young warrior will lose his heart to death


The main character, his sister was murdered in front of him by Marduke when she was seven and he was three. His father resigned from the Guard and became a depressed reclusive. Ethan dedicates his life to living up to her memory and avenging her death. His powers are telekinesis, illusions and a loyalty to the prophecy.

Isabel Beckett[]

Ethan's apprentice from the start, who is in the year below him at school. Her powers are healing and foresight.

Matt Beckett[]


 But not before a leader pure of heart awakens

And the fearless one emerges from a journey led by light and strength


The half brother of Isabel, Ethan's former best friend before they fell out over a girl. Joins the Guard at the end of the first book.



 And an ageless warrior with an ancient soul

Shall guide with grace and providence


The mentor of the group, his powers are agelessness, truth-seeing and materialisation.

The Order[]
