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The Knights of Good[]

An online gaming group (or Guild) in an MMORPG, similar to World of Warcraft

Codex/Cyd Sherman (Felicia Day)[]

The Guild's Healer and the show's focus character.


 "I'm an ego half-empty kind of girl"

  • Beware the Nice Ones: When her boyfriend dumped her for another man she set fire to his cello. Also when she snaps at Vork and Bladezz in the Season 3 finale. She intimidates both of them enough that Vork apolgizes to her and Bladezz apologizes to Tink.
  • Bi the Way: Apparently has Angelina Jolie on her "list".
  • Break the Cutie: The ending of the Season 2 finale. Which, combined with the above trope does not bode well for those involved.
    • Indeed, it does not bode well. The Season 3 Finale has her finally snap as a result of the stress and (possibly?) develop a take charge Split Personality
  • But Not Too White: Felicia Day's snow-white skin plays into the character at times - going out in sunlight is a pain for Codex, with Tink mocking her for spontaneously developing freckles. Then there's Riley telling her that her skin is "dungeon slave pale"...
  • The Cast Showoff: Codex and Felicia Day in real life can both play the violin.
  • Dating Catwoman: In a One Night Stand with Fawkes she hoped would be more. In the end it turned out he was, in her own words, "a total d-bag" though she tried to keep up appearances to avoid embarassment.
  • Extreme Doormat: A huge part of the show is her attempting to grow out of this, with one of the biggest conflicts in the first two seasons arising from her being too passive to firmly tell Zaboo she's not interested (and him being too clueless to take a hint.) She often ends up backpedaling every time she makes some progress, but her Character Development is still obvious if you compare the first and second seasons.

 Codex: "Of course, one time I got caught holding the door open after an orchestra concert for 25 minutes straight, so I'm not really the best measure of assertiveness."

  • Hollywood Nerd
  • Informed Flaw: Zaboo insinuates that she has poor hygiene, but it's not really demonstrated considering her well-groomed hair...
  • The Medic: Online
  • Moe: Felicia Day all the time, obviously, but she really plays it up in Codex's vlogs at the beginning of each episode.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Played up for the music videos
  • Morality Pet: To most everyone.
  • Only Sane Man: Compared to the rest of the Guild (and possibly most of the entire cast, for that matter).
  • Self-Deprecation: Most of her webcam monologues.
  • Team Mom: Slowly evolves towards this throughout the series.
  • Token Good Teammate: Online she and Vork are the only ones who aren't in it just for the loot. Offline she seems to be the only one who isn't either completely self centered and/or divorced from reality
  • White Magician Girl: Online
  • The Woobie

Bladezz/Simon (Vincent Caso)[]

The Guild's Rogue

Clara/Clara Bean (Robin Thorsen)[]

The Guild's Mage


 "Lie and good things will happen"

  • Abusive Parent: Of the criminally neglectful variety.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • BBW
  • Big Fun
  • Bottle Fairy: What happens when this trope gets married and has kids.
  • Comedic Sociopath: Her extreme behavior in Season 2 was due to living on the internet and alcohol for several days straight, but she only got to that point through lies.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Vork, Codex, her husband, her future brother-in-law...
  • Genki Girl
  • Stepford Smiler: Clara's friendly demeanor and constant smile hides a criminally neglectful mother who creates a character just to attack Vork and who makes out with a man she knows Codex wants. Not to mention that she's married.
    • Alternate view: She's just all id and no superego. She doesn't stop to think about anything beyond her own nose and just does what she wants at any given time.

Tinkerballa/April Lu (Amy Okuda)[]

The Guild's Ranger

Vork/Herman Holden (Jeff Lewis)[]

The Guild's Warrior and leader


 "Women. Can't live with 'em...They will not go out with me."

  • Alliterative Name: Offline
  • Bald of Awesome: He's bald and pretty bad-ass, at least as of season 3. In 5 minutes, he solved almost every problem Codex couldn't handle and brought the guild back together, and brought them all to face off against the Axis of Anarchy, whom before that point, everyone was frightened of (other than Clara and Wiggly, who were somewhat oblivious to their real threat). Also, Vork had somewhat of a mexican stare-down with Kwan, the best player in the game, and returned fire on his trash-talking by cutting off the translator and replying to him in his own language. This was discussed in Season 1, Episode 4, when Clara declares she wouldn't expect someone who sounds so confident to be bald, and Codex asks, "You can't be bald and confident?" (Um, your scalp is out all the time.)
  • The Big Guy: Online
  • Extreme Omnivore: Found Object Stew, which a homeless person took one bite of and summarily rejected.
  • Mistaken for Pedophile: While on the road, Vork stops by an elementary school to use the wi-fi connection. A teacher is not too happy to see a strange guy in a creepy van full of electronic equipment talking to a kid.
  • My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels: Ambiguously when confronting Kwan, hilariously in "Game On".
  • Perpetual Poverty
  • Running Gag: Every time he is forced to leave his found Wi-Fi spot in Season 3, he runs over a trash can.
  • Team Dad
  • The Alleged Car: Vork's van, which was shown to barely even run on the Season 3 outtakes.
  • Omniglot Subverted. He may very well, as he claims speak all languages but from the evidence he speaks them all {{My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels badly]]
  • The Stoic: His lines are funny on their own (most people couldn't even say them with a straight face), but Jeff Lewis's Serious Business delivery takes the humor Up to Eleven.
  • Serious Business: Everything.
  • "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Vork runs The Guild like a military unit, or at least tries to. The others mostly just tolerate his behavior while continuing to do their own thing.
    • Notably, while arguing over how to design their Guildhall in Season 4, while Clara and Tink want a fairy princess castle and Bladezz wants one that looks like a Heavy Metal video, Vork only wants a boring gray castle that looks like a dungeon because it would be more easily defensible..from a kind of attack that doesn't exist yet.
  • Vetinari Job Security: You'd think that somebody more personable would make a better leader, but Vork's anti-charisma makes him an effective unifying force.

Zaboo/Sujan Balakrishnan Goldberg (Sandeep Parikh)[]

The Guild's Warlock

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Exaggerated and Played for Laughs. He goes far, far beyond even the most extreme examples of this trope, but somehow manages to be a genuinely nice guy, albeit one with zero emotional maturity and no idea how to survive in real life.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Subverted. Then played straight after he hooks up with Riley
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Bollywood Nerd: Subverted. He has the intelligence and computer savvy but not the work ethic or the resulting success.
  • Carpet of Virility: Averted slightly. He has a very hairy chest, but is the definite opposite of virility.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: The reason Zaboo comes off as a likeable character instead of an intolerable creep is because his stalking is ultimately so harmless that it inspires laughs, as well as plenty of sympathy.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Thinks of himself as playing this but through Seasons 1 and 2 it's actually deconstructed - hard.
    • In Season 3, however, Zaboo attempts to find another outlet in Riley, who turns out to be just as bad for completely different reasons.
    • In Season 4, Zaboo tries instead to be Just Friends with Codex, which he ends up deconstructing as well (up until the last episode of the season, where he reconstructs it and possibly reconstructs Dogged Nice Guy again if Codex's "litmus test" ends up meaning anything).
  • Mr. Fanservice: Only in the music videos, especially "Game On".
  • Freudian Excuse: Zaboo was smothered by his mom (she breast fed him until he was eleven), and therefore has no idea how to survive on his own. This makes him extremely codependent and nearly incapable of understanding that his crushes only go one way, something that is not helped by Codex's Extreme Doormat tendencies.
  • Lawful Good: Lampshaded during the season 4 finale.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: Played for laughs because he's obviously not dangerous.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Especially when you weren't too sane to start with. He's so crazy for Codex he makes the rest of the guild look almost sane. Of course, his severe mommy issues might be part of it. He comes off as much saner after he gives up on her, though it could be said he's still insane for staying with Riley.
  • Masochism Tango: With Riley
  • Parental Incest: Borderline case. No actual sex but as noted below she breastfed him until he was 11. Also bathed him, even as an adult and he admits to having seen her naked often enough that he thinks it's a normal thing.
  • Playful Hacker
  • Stalker with a Crush
  • The Woobie
  • Took a Level In Badass: After being the show's Butt Monkey for most of the current three seasons, he first flips out and trashes all of Valkyrie's equipment, then during the LAN Battle against the Axis takes down a third of their opponents without breaking a sweat.
    • Definitely demonstrates this in Series 5 where he ends up ruling the Convention with an iron fist.
  • Not Allowed to Grow Up: His mother breast fed him until he was 11. His angst about how his mother has perpetually stunted his growth into an adult caused him to attempt suicide. Her overbearing love has been directly stated as the reason he stalks Codex so aggressively, because it's the only way he knows how to love someone. Ironically, the moment his mother leaves it switches from "not allowed to grow up" to "refuses to grow up". He seems to use Codex to avoid responsibility, to the point where she has to suggest that in life he is a "starting character" and has to do some "serious leveling" before she could possibly be remotely interested in him. And rather than attempting real personal growth, he tries to rush through it as quickly as possible (a few days was "sorry I took so long") with superficial changes like lifting "weights" and talking about sports. There seems to be the implication that he is as genuinely afraid of growing up as he was adamant that his mother allow him to do it.
  • Twofer Token Minority: "I'm a Hinjew."
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: In season 5 his scheme for seat saving at the convention gives him a lot of power and it quickly goes to his head. The fact that he has to constantly supervise the system means that he goes days without sleep and it makes him even more unstable than usual.
    • By episode 7 he is acting like The Don and is even stroking a toy cat.

Mr. Wiggly/George Bean (Brett Sheridan)[]

Clara's husband and so far totally inadequate replacement for Tink

Axis of Anarchy[]

The Knights of Good rivals in Season 3

Fawkes (Wil Wheaton)[]

The leader of the Axis

Venom (Teal Sherer)[]


 "God, I hate you guys. There isn't a natural disaster big enough to kill all the people I hate, including all of you."


The wheelchairbound woman in the Axis.

Bruiser (J. Teddy Garces)[]

The Black Latino member of the Axis

Kwan (Alexander Yi)[]

The Asian, non-Englishspeaking member of the Axis

Valkyrie (Mike Rose)[]

The Ambiguously Brown member of the Axis.


Riley (Michele Boyd)[]

Wade's roomate and on-off "fuckbuddy". In a relationship with Zaboo during season 3 until the finale, when she hooks up with Venom.

Wade Wei (Fernando Chien)[]

Codex's neighbor and romantic interest in Season 2

  • Affably Evil: Though more Jerkass than outright evil, Wade ends up having a friendly conversation with Zaboo while, at the same time, beating him up in the middle of a party.
  • Alliterative Name
  • Casanova
  • Draco in Leather Pants
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Jerk Jock: He openly states that he does not think that Codex is worth fighting over. To her face. In her house. Surrounded by other party goers. While smiling nonchalantly.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Once he learns to stop pulling his blows.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He's gleefully proud of his ability to trick people into thinking he's snapped his spine, broken his neck or just has an eyeball hanging out of its socket. That last one proves too much for Codex.
  • Put on a Bus: Disappears in Season Three with a handwave.
    • Stunt man going to Vancouver is relatively speaking a fairly good hand wave though.
    • Slips into Brother Chuck by Season Four.

Zaboo's Mother/Avinashi (Viji Nathan)[]

  • Big Bad: Or the closest thing to it, in Season 1.
  • AbusiveParent: Psychologically, to the extent that Zaboo attempted suicide to escape her.
  • Evil Matriarch: She microchipped her son, punched out Codex the first time they met and had her driven out of her apartment.
  • My Beloved Smother: See above.
  • Squick: She breast fed him until he was 11, took him to the ladies restroom with her until he was fifteen, bathes him and makes him feel her breast for polyps.

Dena (Tara Caso)[]

Bladezz's little sister

Nik (Toni Lee)[]

Kwan's translator, hand masseuse, and presumed girlfriend