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El superbeasto 6731

The Haunted World Of El Superbeasto is a 2009 animated horror comedy film by Rob Zombie, based upon the comic book series also created by him.

El Superbeasto is a retired luchador who lives in the world of Monsterland, where humans and monsters live together: with the help of his sexy sister Suzi X and her horny sidekick/vehicle Murray the Robot he tries to foil the evil plans of Dr. Satan and his assistant Otto, a gorilla with a British accent.

Marred by a case of Development Hell (it was supposed to come out in May '07), El Superbeasto owes a lot to series like Scooby Doo and The Ren and Stimpy Show, with a lot more violence and many sexual elements and innuendo added, and therefore it's absolutely no children's cartoon. Suffice to say, Your Mileage May Vary.

The Haunted World of El Superbeasto provides examples of:[]