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  • Designated Villain, Informed Ability: We never actually see the Satanists doing anything really evil, nor do we see any of the great demonic power that Molly inherits on her 18th birthday. The only reason we know they're the villians is because, well, they're Satanists. They almost seem like nicer people than the Christian "good guys" who try to kill Molly. Should it be any surprise that Molly joins them in the end?
  • Evil Is Cool: At the end, Molly is graduating high school as valedictorian, she has a hot boyfriend in Joseph, she's part of the in-crowd, she's happy, and there's upbeat light rock playing into the credits. In any other movie, this would be a happy ending. Here, however, Molly got all those things because she's part of the Satanic cult.
  • Narm: Many critics throw this charge at the movie for acting.