Huckleberry Hound[]
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife
- Badass Adorable: He's been a knight, a cowboy, and a cop, and he's SO CUTE!!
- Dogs Are Dumb
- Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better: Even then, he still has some canine traits, like his adorable howl.
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Depending on what job he has.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
- Iron Butt Monkey
- Knight in Shining Armor: In "Sir Huckleberry" and "Dragon Slayer Huck".
- Ring Around the Collar
- Unstoppable Mailman
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?
Mr. Jinks[]
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- Cats Are Mean
- Cats Are Snarkers
- Cute Kitten His son, Jinks Jr.
- How Do I Used Tense: Meeces, mouses, mices, but never mice.
- I Will Show You X
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Like Is, Like, a Comma
- Ring Around the Collar
- Valley Guy
Pixie and Dixie[]
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- Captain Obvious: Both had a habbit of announcing exactly what was on screen.
- Nice Mice: However, they can be vindictive or cruel at times.
- Ring Around the Collar: Only Pixie.
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- We Want Our Jerk Back
Yogi Bear[]
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- Breakout Character
- Catch Phrase: "I'm smarter then the average bear".
- Karma Houdini
- Ring Around the Collar
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Boo Boo
Boo Boo Bear[]
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
- Only Sane Man: Usially.
- Ring Around the Collar
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Vague Age
- Vocal Evolution
- Intergenerational Friendship: Possibly