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  • One might make an educated guess of what it is from the title, but it is so much worse. This clip alone can be emotionally scarring; do not view it under any circumstances if you are faint of heart or possess a weak stomach. Once viewed, it cannot be unseen.
    • Some Nightmare Retardant (to some extent) the South Park episode that parodied this movie, "The Human Centi Pad." Although, this episode is Nightmare Fuel in and of itself.
    • The Nazi Medical Experiments in real life were much scarier. Nothing beats real.
    • For those not in the know it gives proof once and for all why you NEVER go ass to mouth.
    • Scariest Powerpoint Ever. You know, the one where he explains in graphic detail exactly how he's going to attach each 'segment' from one's mouth to another's anus, making a complete digestive tract?
    • When Roger Fucking Ebert refuses to give a movie any stars, you know it's bad.
  • Jenny sobbing brokenly for her mom and begging Lindsay for help as Heiter is forcefully sedating everyone before surgery. Poop in the mouth is one thing, but that kind of raw despair? That is disturbing.