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Disney film[]

  • Very dark funny, but immediately after the Hellfire sequence, there is this exchange:

 Phoebus: Good morning, sir.

Frollo: (groans, rubbing his eyes)

Phoebus: Are you feeling all right?

Frollo: I had a little... trouble with the fireplace.

  • Not to mention during Esmeralda's dance routine:

 Frollo: Look at that disgusting display!

Phoebus: (with obvious delight) Yes, sir!

  • "Achilles, sit!"
    • This Troper thought it was "heel".
    • It's both. "Heel" is used once, a a throwaway joke (and was also the reason that the writers used the name). "Sit" was used twice: once when Phoebus arrives in Paris, and again during the final battle.
  • Your Mileage May Vary, but several moments involving the gargoyles are quite funny, including most of "A Guy Like You" (Hugo cross-dresses as Esmeralda and the gargoyles say Quasi is shaped "like a crossaint is", when they mishear a conversation and come to the conclusion that "Frollo's nose is long and he wears a truss" and when they all appear to be sketching Esmeralda, except Hugo who sketches Djali the goat instead. And the last moment of the film, where the orchestra pauses for a frustrated Laverne to yell at the birds, "don't you ever migrate?!".
  • "Frollo's nose is long and he wears a truss!"
  • And let us not forget this epic exchange after Phoebus and Quasimodo decide to go find the Court of Miracles:

 Phoebus: Truce? (He pats Quasi on the back encouragingly)

Quasimodo: Well...okay. (He hits Phoebus in the spot where the arrow hit him, causing him to groan in pain) Sorry.

Phoebus::, you're not.

    • A lot of Quasimodo and Phoebus' interactions during this period of the movie is hilarious.
  • And then there's Clopin, indulging in a bit of literal Gallows Humor:

 Clopin: Any last words?

  • Quasimodo and Phoebus, being Bound and Gagged, can only make some indecipherable noises*

Clopin: (rolling his eyes at the Fourth Wall) That's what they all say.

    • Immediately followed by:

 Clopin: Now that we've heard all the evidence-- [interrupting himself with a hand puppet] Wait, I object! [as himself] Overruled! [as puppet] I object! [as himself] Quiet! [as puppet] ...Dang.

  • "I'm free! I'm free! ...Oof! ...Dang it."
  • The entire Esmeralda/Phoebus scene in the cathedral, but especially:

 Phoebus: You fight almost as well as a man.

Esmeralda: Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you!

Phoebus: That's hitting a little below the belt, isn't it?

Esmeralda: No. This is.

  • Laverne's ongoing conflict with the pigeons, culminating in "DON'T YOU EVER MIGRATE?!!!"
  • The part when it emerges that Frollo taught Quasimodo his alphabet using words like abomination, blasphemy, contrition, damnation, eternal damnation, and forgiveness. It's both a blessing and a shame that they stopped at f; one wonders what the rest of the alphabet would have been like...
  • Absolutely everything in Esmeralda's chase/escape sequence; the best parts would have to be the aforementioned "I'm free!" bit, and Phoebus, after ducking a ricocheting helmet, in dazed admiration: "What a woman!"
  • The gargoyles building a fully functional catapult from assorted items found in the cathedral and then... shoving it off the roof onto the soldiers.

  Victor: "Are you sure that's how it works?"

    • Made even funnier when the catapult crushes a few soldiers in a manner similar to a mouse trap.

  Hugo: Works for me!

  • "The city of Paris is glowing tonight. Sure, that's because it's on fire, but still there's l'amour."