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The Books:[]

  • Katniss singing Rue a lullaby, then spreading flowers on her body, followed by the mockingjays taking up Rue's song, which, considering the symbolism of mockingjays, is also a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Cinna's last gift to Katniss: a collection of outfits he's designed for her when she finally decided to be the Mockingjay.
    • In the first book, before Katniss enters the Hunger Games. Cinna spends a moment with Katniss and tells her if he could bet, he would bet on her.

  Cinna: "Good luck, girl on fire."

  • Annie and Finnick's reunion.
    • On a similar note Finnick and Annie's wedding.
  • In Mockingjay, Katniss giving Johanna the bag of pine needles. "Smells like home."
  • - Anything from Peeta's slow recovery during Mockingjay, but especially:

 Peeta: You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real.

Katniss: Real. Because that's what you and I do. Protect each other.

    • ...and:

 So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or not real?"

I tell him, "Real."

  • Even with the way it ended, This Troper still loved the parts in Mockingjay wherein Katniss and Gale reconnected as friends, especially the little scene with the berries and their two-man "May the odds be ever in your favor!" exchange.
  • Just a little moment, but I love when Primrose wakes up with Katniss in the middle of the night, cuddles under a blanket with her, and helps her figure out how she can keep Peeta and the other victors safe from the rebels at the beginning of Mockingjay. We've seen time and time again how much Katniss loves Prim, and it's sweet to see firsthand that it goes both ways.
  • The entire town giving its "respect to the dead" salute to Katniss after she volunteers in place of her sister.
    • And the repeat during the Victors tour by District 11 (Rue's home).
  • "With my paint box at home, I can make every color imaginable..."
  • Peeta's showing of skill during the Quarter Quell, The painting of Rue.

The Film:[]

  • The end of the movie, which implies that unlike his attitude in the book, Peeta wishes to remain friends with Katniss after the Games.
  • Thresh and Rue's relationship in the movie. The look on his face when he sees her on the ceiling...
  • Caesar Flickerman kissing Katniss' hand at the end of the interview, and saying "And win you will," when she says she wants to win the Games for her sister.