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  • The way Cho and Herc resolve the 'Prisoner's Dilemma'.
  • Fall of An Avenger, first issue.
  • Herc had a hospital built for terminal demi-god children!
    • The kids find solace in not only being loved and cared for in their remaining days, but safe in the knowledge that even when they are gone, their memories will live on in the immortal god of heroes, Hercules
    • Doubles as a Tear Jerker, since the visitors are there to liquidate the home, after Hercules's death
      • But they don't
  • Incredible Hercules #115: Hercules, a textbook example of a Boisterous Bruiser if there ever was one, tells his friend Amadeus not to destroy SHIELD. Herc begs him not to make the same mistakes of letting his anger get the better of him and hurt everybody around and failing to learn from his mistakes. Amadeus listens and hugs his friend before they teleport away from the incoming missiles.