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 Zeus: "Are the wickedest queens always the comeliest?"

Hercules: "Usually."

  • Hilarity Ensues: Whenever Herc does something, really.
  • Mary Sue: You'll often hear criticism of Amadeus Cho for being one of these; he had his moments starting out, but by the end of the first arc he's a well-rounded character.
    • There's a Fandom Nod to Cho's reputation in Chaos War #5.
  • Memetic Mutation: See the page image. Herc has become the poster boy of that one meme.
    • Said image is also popular with the "Do it, f*****" meme.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Athena crossed it at the end of the series.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • What happens when Amadeus finds the real Kirby.
    • The end of "Assault On New Olympus".
    • Hercules revealing why he uses the Roman version of his birth name, Heracles. If you add in what Hera reveals at the end of the earlier New Labors Of Hercules miniseries, that the murder of Herc's family really was all her fault, it becomes more powerful - Herc wasn't to blame, but he continues to accept blame anyhow. You could argue that this makes Herc The Atoner.
  • Win the Crowd: Turning over one of Marvel's flagship titles to a B lister Thor wannabe? Turned out pretty well.
  • The Woobie: Hebe, long-suffering Hebe.