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  • The last six months of the original The Incredible Hulk imprint in 1998-99, where the Abomination set up Betty Ross's death.
  • The Savage Hulk. No matter how many times he saves the world, how many people he helps, how many monsters he defeats, can never find a place where he belongs, where people don't fear or hunt him.
  • The one time he did find a home and family it blows up in his face. Literally. He even loses another wife.
  • The ending of Planet Hulk, the panel where Hulk holds Caiera's corpse in his hands as she begins to turn to dust and blow away on the wind is the single saddest image this troper has ever seen in a comic book.
  • The ending of Hulk: The End. After having what he claimed he has always wanted, after winning his battle against Bruce Banner and surviving in a world where humanity has destroyed itself, Hulk is finally alone. And he feels cold...
  • "Betty can't take it, so it's all up to me." says Red She-Hulk.
  • "Heart of the Monster" -- Doctor Strange and Bruce Banner realizing that Hulk will finally be happy if they leave him in the Dark Dimension, eternally breaking and restoring the world in a constant battle with Red She-Hulk... even though it means "Bruce" will fade away.