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- Mr. Incredible acknowledging the cat he saved as well as the officers and cat owner.
- Mr. Incredible ejecting Buddy from the Incredibile.
- After the action opening sequence with Bomb Voyage:
Police Officer: Wait, you mean you didn't catch him? |
- And who could forget?
Bomb Voyage: Et ton costume est complètement ridicule! (Translated from French as "And your costume is absolutely ridiculous!") |
- Bob telling Mrs. Hogenson to act as if her insurance claim was denied:
Bob: Shh! I'M SORRY, MA'AM! I KNOW YOU'RE UPSET! Pretend to be upset. |
- Nearly the entire first conversation between Bob and Mr. Huph.
Bob: Did I do something illegal? |
- Dash getting away with placing a thumb tack on Bernie Kropp's chair, and the teacher's tantrum when Dash is let go.
- The dinner scene has many funny moments:
- Bob celebrating Dash getting away with pranking his teacher, then Bob cutting through the plate.
- Dash teasing Violet over her crush, followed by their fight. Jack-Jack enjoys it a lot. Lucius interrupts it by ringing the doorbell, forcing the Parrs to make everything look like nothing unusual happened. Bob tells Lucius, "Ice of you to drop by!", then Dash spits out water for Lucius to freeze, being disappointed that it didn't shatter.
- This family exchange:
Violet: The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet-trained! |
- Don't put your hands on the roof of your car if you have super-strength. Bob found that out the hard way when he was unable to close the door after he made finger-dents where the top of the door shuts. He did shut it eventually, but the window shattered. He then lifts his car in a fit of rage, only to be met by Rusty on a tricycle.
- Mr. Incredible and Frozone's argument during the fire:
Mr. Incredible: Can't you put this out? |
- And before that, their Lampshading of the tendency of bad guys to monologue.
Frozone: So, now I'm in real trouble. One more blast of this death ray and I'm an epitaph. Somehow, I manage to find cover, and what does Baron von Ruthless do? |
- Which turns into a Brick Joke in a later scene between Mr. Incredible and Syndrome.
Syndrome: Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. Turns out there are a lot of people who want respect, and they'll pay through the nose to get it. How do you think I got rich? I invented weapons, and now I have a weapon only I can control and- [gets cut off as Mr. Incredible throws a tree trunk at him. He dodges and freezes Mr. Incredible in place.] You sly dog! You got me monologuing, I can't believe... [chuckles] |
- When Bob and Lucius find out about a nearby building fire, Bob is rather enthusiastic.
- Bob and Lucius' argument during the fire rescue, and then looking like 'incompetent bad guys' when Bob barges into a jewellery store. Then Lucius makes the officer let him get a drink, just so he can freeze the officer and escape with Bob.
- When Bob gets caught coming home late by Helen, he adopts a combat pose, while holding a slice of cake and having chocolate around his mouth. Their argument has some funny moments too, like Bob calling Dash's graduation 'psychotic', Helen stretching her neck to tower over Bob and the two eldest kids using their powers to eavesdrop.
- In a display of literally superhuman self-control, it takes Huph being callously dismissive of and then openly mocking the victim of a mugging before Bob throws him through five walls and into a filing cabinet. He's several times the size of Huph, but it's still really cathartic (and hilarious). One of the commentaries talks about how the guy who animated it seemed to be working out an issue or two.
- The squeak that Huph makes when he hits the floor.
- Bob asking Rick Dicker, "I'm fired, aren't I?", then Dicker replying with, "Oh, you think?".
- When Mirage's message self-destructs, it activates the sprinklers. It causes commotion from the kitchen, with Dash clearly enjoying it.
- When the Omnidroid v.8 falls into the lava, Mr. Incredible does his back while celebrating, only for the robot to emerge. It stretches him, but inadvertently fixes his back, enabling him to win.
- The montage of heroes who had... bad luck with capes.
Edna: NO CAPES! |
- Edna Mode has many funny moments.
Helen: (through teeth) You know... Elastigirl? |
- "Edna Mode." BFG pops out of the ceiling and tracks Helen's head) "And guest." (BFG goes away)
- "...and call me when you get back, darling, I enjoy our visits."
- "My God, you've gotten fat." The best part about that line is that it comes after Bob's big work-out-slim-down montage.
- "...and machine-washable, dahling, that's a new feature."
- Edna hitting Helen with a rolled up newspaper while saying "My God, pull. Yourself. Together!"
- "I am Syndrome! Your nemesis! And... (inadvertently throws Mr. Incredible out of sight) oh, brilliant." It's likely he's had trouble with accidentally throwing things with zero-point energy before.
- Two of Syndrome's guards see the ruined base of the monopod slide toward them, and aim their submachine guns into the darkness, looking for the culprit. Then the rest of the monopod comes hurling out of the sky and squashes them as they turn to flee.
- When Helen is on the plane:
Helen: Easy Helen, easy. Easy, girl. You're overreacting. Everything's fine. They're just...all getting coffee... at the same time. Yeah. |
- The dialogue when Helen finds out her 2 eldest kids have stowed away on the plane.
- After the plane was blown up:
- Violet moping while sitting on her mother as Dash acts as a propellor, unable to help.
- Elastigirl looking at rear end in a mirror, sighing annoyingly. She then gets her outstretched body stuck in three doors, and has to get creative to take out the guards and free herself.
- Dash shouting in the cave to hear the echoes, then realises a jet blast is coming their way, prompting him to get himself and Violet out.
- After escaping the volcano, the kids spend the night out in the jungle. In the morning, Dash wakes up first...and realizes with disgust that he's cuddled up with Violet in his sleep.
- When Elastigirl finds Bob's cell on the monitor, she exclaims "Bob!". She then retracts her head, leaving the two guards confused.
- After surviving a long fall thanks to the forest's trees and vines, Dash celebrates jubilantly, only to unintentionally alert a couple of nearby guards to his presence.
- When Elastigirl finds her husband hugging Mirage, it looks very awkward for them. Elastigirl knocks her out with a stretched punch while she tries to greet Elastigirl.
- When the family is fighting Syndrome's guards, an aircraft explodes, and Bob and Helen say "I love you" to each other. Dash and Violet just blankly stare at their parents, slightly disgusted.
- After Helen rescues Bob and they're running through the jungle looking for the kids while arguing.
Bob: I should have told you about being fired, I admit it, but I didn't want you to worry. |
- "Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl?" (laughs, then looks at the kids) "Oh, and got BIZZAY!"
- Violet freeing her family while Bob apologises for neglecting his family. Dash tries to bring attention to it, but Helen shushes him. Subtle, yet humorous.
- The guards in the mobile van that the family steals are watching a TV with the Omnidroid destroying Metroville, while sipping a bottle of champagne. Bob immediately shows up, catching the cork, and the viewer can see the van rocking as he beats them up.
"Alright, every time they run, we take a shot!" |
- The scene where Frozone is looking for his super suit.
"Honey! Where's my super-suit?" |
- The Winnebago getting launched, with Helen stretched close to her capacity to hold it in the Omnidroid launch rig and grunting from the effort.
- Bob and Helen arguing over which exit to take when the Winnebago lands on the freeway after launching from one of Syndrome's rockets.
- And of course, even superhero families on their way to save the day have this time-honoured long-drive exchange...
Dash: Are We There Yet? |
- The Winnebago doing side somersaults, until it lands perfectly in a parking spot. The kids are dazed, yet enjoyed it.
- Even though Jack-Jack's transformation from fiery baby to metal baby to monster can be scary, Syndrome's priceless look and high-pitched scream before Jack-Jack begins beating him up is funny.
- Every single thing the kid on the tricycle says. Special points to this one:
Rusty: That was totally wicked! |
- Violet and Tony's conversation, with Tony stammering and Violet placing a finger over his mouth to accept his unspoken offer of a movie date.
- At the end of the movie, Dash is finally able to try out for track, and his family is on the bleachers cheering him on... and warning him not to run too fast. The look on the other parents' faces as they listen to the Parrs' instructions of "Make it second! A close second!" is priceless.
- Supplementary materials reveal that Dash gains an entire shelf of second-place track trophies.
Bonus content[]
- In a deleted scene, Helen accuses Bob of having an affair
Helen: Are you having an affair? |
- Animation errors, both intentional and not, formed bonus content called The Incrediblunders. Examples include Helen and Violet's hair going crazy , characters wearing messed up or no clothing at all, and Syndrome licking Mirage (she smiles in response).
- Some of the recorded interviews of the Supers, including ones only mentioned in the film.
- In an advertisement, Dash has to run to the Great Wall of China to take a picture of it since his internet is very slow.
- Mr. Incredible's and Frozones Riff Trax to their cartoon short:
Mr. Incredible: I was told it was a new process! |
- And the first appearance of Frozone...
Frozone: Wait, is that me? I'm white...they made me a white guy?! |
- Later...
Frozone: Oh, oh, oh, I get caught. The black superhero gets caught. |
- And then...
- "The rabbit is cuddly! Kids like little, cuddly sidekicks. I mean... the rabbit... it's a time tested... okay, the rabbit bites."