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  • Inc HW
    When Mr. Incredible saved an elderly woman's cat in a tree, despite dealing with a car chase.
  • Bob and Helen's wedding. Their closest friends, including Supers, took time out of their busy schedule to see their friends get married.
  • Bob's job as an insurance agent. If he can't stop disasters or save people anymore, he can at least try to help the victims of disasters and tragedies recover costs.
  • Bob helping Mrs. Hogenson access her insurance money, knowing the risk of facing the wrath of Mr. Huph.
  • The montage of Bob spending time with his family after he defeated the Omnidroid v.8.
  • Helen telling Dash, "What a trooper. I'm so proud of you" after he used his super speed to get them to Nomanisan Island from some distance out in the ocean.
  • The moment where Helen leaves the kids to go find her husband and Violet runs after her, because she couldn't make her powers work earlier. Helen gives her the best reassuring-parent speech a kid could ask for.
  • Bob hugging Mirage when she told him his family is alive. When Helen accuses him of having an affair, he pulls her towards him and they have a Big Damn Kiss, proving Helen's concerns were unfounded.
  • When a guard was about to shoot Violet, Dash knocks him to the ground and repeatedly punches him, shouting, "DON'T! TOUCH! MY! SISTER!". The guard punches Dash back and is about to shoot him when Violet leaps in front of him and creates a large force field for the first time ever. Can be particularly heartwarming considering their earlier fighting and bickering.
  • Mirage's Heel Face Turn. "Say please."
  • Bob whispering to Helen that he's not strong enough to lose her or the kids again... and Helen gently reminding him that she's a powerful superhero, and so are their children, and they're gonna kick ass together.
    • The phrasing "I'm... not strong enough..." is especially meaningful considering that Bob's superpower is Super Strength.
  • The public's excitement for the return of Supers, whether it be pseudo-Super Syndrome or the real Supers. It shows that despite the wave of anti-Super sentiment there is, there are still many people who support them and want them to resume their work.
  • When Violet was knocked unconscious by the Omnidroid v.10, Dash stay by her side and checks on her, before their parents rescue them,
  • After 15 years of being in hiding, The Incredibles and Frozone are finally applauded as true heroes.
  • Bob complimenting Violet on wearing her hair back, telling her it looks good. On top of that, her initial flustered reaction at him noting it.
  • Helen tells Violet, "That's my girl" after she saved their family with a force field from Syndrome's destroyed plane.
  • Violet being confident and comfortable enough to make a date with Tony almost effortlessly. It confirms he was interested in her after her Adrenaline Makeover.
  • On the DVD extra that included Supers' profiles, Rick Dicker says he hopes that one day the Super ban will be overturned and that they will be able to help people again, showing this isn't just a job for him and he truly cares for Supers.