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Theinterpeter 4044

The Interpreter is a movie from 2005 directed by the late Sydney Pollack, staring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn. A United Nations Interpreter, Silvia Broome (Kidman) returned late one evening to her work station and overhears a plot to assassinate the leader of her home country. Fearing for her safety a Secret Service Agent in Foreign Dignitary Protection (Penn) is assigned to investigate and keep an eye on her. The movie was the first ever movie to be filmed inside the United Nations including the chambers of the U.N. Security Council. Overall the film revived positive reviews and performed modestly well at the Box Office.

This film features examples of:[]

  • Artistic License: Fictional country of Matobo
  • Bulungi: Matobo again.
  • California Doubling: As mentioned above this movie was actually filmed inside the U.N. but originally was set to be filmed in Toronto, but due to the high cost of replicating the U.N. General Assembly Room for the set, the producers renewed in trying to get the U.N.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Both Silvia and Tobin, mostly at each other. Also, Dot, a lot.
  • Faux Fluency: The language Kidman's character speaks is fictional.
  • Fictional Country: Matobo
  • Did Not Do the Research: La Guardia airport is not an international airport, it handles strictly domestic flights.
    • Maybe not from Matobo, but LGA certainly receives flights from Canada.
    • These posters have pointed out Kidman makes plenty of mistakes while playing her role.
  • You Have to Believe Me: Averted. Sylvia clearly and concisely explains what she overheard, and her tip is dealt with competently and professionally.