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You know you shouldn't be laughing, but you can't help it, can you?

  • The Punchline to Episode 5: Hypnotized
    • The start of the session qualifies too.

 Joker: If this works, and I wake up, and my pants are off..."

Dr. Strange: You will not do anything under hypnosis that you would not do in a concious state.

Joker: Like I said, if this works, and I wake up, and my pants are off...

  • During the cafeteria scene, Harley is ranting about how letting inmates wear masks is a negative step in their recovery, and how it's only a matter of time before it effects things they do in everyday life... and the Scarecrow comes in, sits down, and struggles to eat a sandwhich while wearing his mask. Even better, Harley tries to haltingly continue her rant, and the Joker just stares at him the whole time.
    • And then Scarecrow notices there's a bite out of his sandwich. How did that get there?
  • Episode 10: Car Trouble - "Take your top off." "... What?" "The top of the convertible. Get your mind out of the gutter!"

  Ted the Bum: Actually, I've been living in a gutter.

  • Episode 14: Killing Kopski - The Joker can be seen sneaking around a cop's apartment, and ends up killing him in the bathroom. Then he realizes that he's in the wrong apartment.
  • Episode 15: Get Me to the Church On Time - Just about everything with Ted the Bum.
    • "You just lost your gun priviliges! If you had hit Pearl, you could have kept it."
    • One episode later, Ted's gun privileges get re-instated just as the cops start opening fire.
  • Episode 8: BRB - "It always comes down to making a choice. One or the other. It's the fork in the throat-- road, the fork in the road. [[[Beat]]] Henry's the one with the, uh, fork in the throat." Perfect Black Comedy one-liner, perfectly delivered.
  • The cartoonish way the Joker tried to prop himself up against the door Batman is trying to get through.
  • The entire preformance of the irish/scottish priest.
  • This line is always priceless




  • The Joker brags to Harleen that he's poking around her office, then notices the picture of Dr. Arkham's wife. "I'm in the wrong office."
  • From the bonus 'Out of Gas' scene:

 Ted the Bum: I used to be a-

Joker: Don't...Don't finish that sentence.
