The Journey of Allen Strange ran on Nickelodeon from 1997 to 2000. It was a science-fiction show about two siblings, Josh and Robbie, who befriend a young alien stranded on Earth after his spaceship takes off without him. He disguises himself as a human and lives in the attic of the siblings' home. The kids name him Allen Strange and protect him from anyone who would suspect anything.
This show features examples of:[]
- Alien Among Us
- Batman in My Basement
- Energy Being: Allen and his kind.
- Fun with Acronyms: See The Men in Black
- The Men in Black: The Alien Retrieval Commission, particularly its faceless leader, Shaw.
- Theyd Cut You Up: The A.R.C. wanted to dissect Allen, hence the hiding
- Very Special Episode
- Xanatos Gambit: One episode had Josh and Robbie's divorced parents spending time together. Josh bets Robbie that they won't end up getting back together. When Robbie expresses her shock that he would 'bet against Mom and Dad' Josh replies, "That way I can't lose."