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YMMVs for the original film series:[]

  • Awesome Music: "You're the best, around, nothing's ever gonna keep you down!"
    • Bill Conti's score deserves mention also. Including the main theme derived from Survivor's "Moment of Truth." Survivor had the freakin' market cornered on rousing 80's anthems.
    • Not to mention "Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera.
  • Complete Monster: Kreese, Mr. "A man faces you, he is the enemy, an enemy deserves no mercy."
    • Terry Silver from the third film is just as bad, if not worse.
  • Memetic Mutation: Many things, most famously the Crane Kick in the sunset image. But some of the dialogue has achieved that point as well.

 "Get him a body-bag! Ye-heah!"

"Sweep the leg."

"Johnny, you're a cream puff!"



And of course, "Wax On, Wax Off."

  • Moral Event Horizon: Chozen crosses this by refusing to help Daniel save a child's life during a storm. Just in case nobody got it, in the finale he holds a knife to Kimiko's throat and punches her lights out.
  • Narm Charm: Glory of Love would've been a super ultra narmy and cheesy love song that Tastes Like Diabetes... if it wasn't performed by a pro like Peter Cetera, who makes it really charming.

YMMVs for the 1984 original:[]

  • Draco in Leather Pants: In the 2010s, many viewers would start ignoring Johnny’s negative qualities in favor of his positive ones, which lead to the creation of the show Cobra Kai.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: As Daniel runs out of the dance party to get away from the costumed skeletons, a guy is seen dressed as Spider-Man and one member comments he is like Spidey as he tries to climb up the fence wire. Columbia Pictures would make their Spider-Man movie in 2002.
  • Ron the Death Eater: In the years to come, around 2015 or before, people began looking at Daniel in a rather negative light, seeing him as the real bully of the story.

YMMVs for the 2010 remake:[]

  • Awesome Music: About midway through the film, a Mandarin version of "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz can be heard. Commence scooping up the pieces of your mind now.
  • Complete Monster: Perhaps not as flashy as some, but Master Li teaches children to savagely beat each other into unconsciousness. The definition of child abuse is too restricted.
  • He Really Can Act: Jackie Chan plays a dramatic role surprisingly well.
    • Fans initially scoffed when they heard that Jaden Smith was playing the Daniel-san Expy, accusing Will Smith of nepotism. However, Jaden's performance was also praised.
  • Toy Ship: Both Dre and his crush Mei Ying are both around 12 years old.