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A Dungeons and Dragons adventure series intended for children ages 8–12. It is set in the world of Greyhawk. The books in the series are:

  1. Secret of the Spiritkeeper (June 2004), by Matt Forbeck
  2. Riddle in Stone (August 2004), by Ree Soesbee
  3. Sign of the Shapeshifter (October 2004), by Dale Donovan and Linda Johns
  4. Eye of Fortune (December 2004), by Denise Graham
  5. Figure in the Frost (February 2005), by Marlene Perez
  6. Dagger of Doom (April 2005), by Kerry Daniel Roberts
  7. Hidden Dragon (June 2005), by Lisa Trutkoff Trumbauer
  8. The Silver Spell (August 2005), by Anjali Bannerjee
  9. Key to the Griffon's Lair (October 2005), by Candice Ransom
  10. Curse of the Lost Grove (December 2005), by Denise R. Graham
  11. Mystery of the Wizard's Tomb (February 2006), by Rachel Plummer
  12. Mark of the Yuan-Ti (April 2006), by Kerry Daniel Roberts
Tropes used in The Knights of the Silver Dragon include: