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The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service team[]
Our heroes-for-hire.
Tropes that apply to all of them:
- Crippling Overspecialization: Outside of Sasaki's computer skills, they've all got death-related or plain outlandish skills that don't translate to 'normal' jobs.
- Dysfunction Junction
- Only Sane Man: They tend to trade places each story depending upon who's in focus; sometimes it's Sasaki, other times it's Karatsu, but they all have their moments of temporary insanity.
Kuro Karatsu[]
A Senior at an average Buddhist university. He can hear the voices of the dead.
- Bald of Awesome: Because he's a Buddhist.
- Catapult Nightmare
- Character Development: Becomes more heroic as the series progresses.
- I See Dead People: He's an Itako and can communicate with the dead.
- Smoking Is Cool
Ao Sasaki[]
"Let's go see some dead people!" |
The founder of Kurosagi, she takes pictures of the dead to sell on the internet and gathers information.
- Amateur Sleuth
- Forum Pecking Order: She runs the Kurosagi Corpse Chat.
- Grave Robbing: Technically they haven't been buried yet, but she's still stealing a corpse and not contacting the police.
- Mission Control
- Team Mom
- The Team Normal: One of the two in the team without any odd powers, and the only one with a full range of social skills.
Makoto Numata[]
A member of Kurosagi, he can dowse with a pendulum to locate dead bodies.
- Badass: This guy punch-stopped a truck!
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Cool Shades
- Crazy Prepared: brought some camping supplies with him on their graveyard trip.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: he's got a badass leather jacket.
- Luminescent Blush: this guy blushes a lot.
- Real Men Wear Pink: He's the fan of a teen idol.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: The others rib him for his dowsing, because a) it's his only real skill b) he can't find anything other than corpses. Or any dead tissue.
Keiko Makino[]
A member of Kurosagi. She's an embalmer, which she learned from studying abroad.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Hostage Situation: She was more or less taken hostage by Mr. Yamakawa.
- Kawaiiko
- The Lab Rat: Sometimes, but she's more likely to be out gathering information with the rest.
- Older Than They Look: We assume, since she looks about nine and is a senior in university.
Yuji Yata[]
A member of Kurosagi. He channels Aliens through his sock puppet.
- Blinding Bangs
- Cloudcuckoolander: No, not Yata, he's actually pretty normal, it's his alien puppet that's spacey.
- Demonic Dummy or Ventriloquism: It's ambiguous whether Keerellis is a real alien or just something Yata made up. You can't see lips move in a manga. There are hints of the former being true.
- Geek
Recurring Characters[]
Former police detective who now handles the dead and other social services issues in their prefecture of the city. Naturally, they increasingly come into contact with him as the series progresses.