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The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service team[]

Our heroes-for-hire.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Crippling Overspecialization: Outside of Sasaki's computer skills, they've all got death-related or plain outlandish skills that don't translate to 'normal' jobs.
  • Dysfunction Junction
  • Only Sane Man: They tend to trade places each story depending upon who's in focus; sometimes it's Sasaki, other times it's Karatsu, but they all have their moments of temporary insanity.

Kuro Karatsu[]

A Senior at an average Buddhist university. He can hear the voices of the dead.

Ao Sasaki[]


 "Let's go see some dead people!"


The founder of Kurosagi, she takes pictures of the dead to sell on the internet and gathers information.

Makoto Numata[]

A member of Kurosagi, he can dowse with a pendulum to locate dead bodies.

Keiko Makino[]

A member of Kurosagi. She's an embalmer, which she learned from studying abroad.

Yuji Yata[]

A member of Kurosagi. He channels Aliens through his sock puppet.

Recurring Characters[]


Former police detective who now handles the dead and other social services issues in their prefecture of the city. Naturally, they increasingly come into contact with him as the series progresses.