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Thelastdove 6441

Enira, a region encircled by the mountains of Aeir, is home to ferocious warriors and devoted clansmen who all share one special ability - that of the Change. The Change allows them to shed their human form and assume an animal one based on their clan’s heritage. But peace is not theirs; the feuds between clans are becoming steadily more intense, and each clan has their own ambitions for the future of their country.

In this time of impending civil war a girl named Bria, whose own shapeshifting abilities still have yet to manifest, runs away from the cruelty of the village she grew up in. As she travels across Enira she becomes embroiled in a generations-old plot, and discovers secrets about her past and the past of her country that soon force her to decide who to trust - and who to love - even as she becomes the unexpected keystone of a revolution that will affect all of Aeir.

The Last Dove is the first book in the Trilogy of Aeir, a Young Adult High Fantasy trilogy by Elizabeth Suzanne Hines (ES Hines). The second book, The Black Panther, came out in 2012. The third book is currently unreleased.

Tropes used in The Last Dove include: