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The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu is a 2009 indie comic-horror based movie using characters and elements from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. It sees Charlie and Jeff (the last member of the Lovecraft bloodline) get thrown into a battle between two ancient cults; as they must defend an indestructible artefact that will bring doom to the world if it falls into the wrong hands. Along the way they meet up with a nerd that lives with his grandma, a creepy motel owner, a ship captain in the middle of the desert and the main antagonist Starspawn.
It's more comedy than horror and will definitely appeal to fans of campy horror and Lovecraftian lore.
Contains Examples of the following tropes;[]
- Absurdly Ineffective Barricade: A thin wooden screen-door in the RV, and it's hilarious.
- Art Shift: When Charlie explains his understanding of the mythos to Jeff, it shifts to an animated sequence explaining C'thulhu's arrival on Earth and his war with the Elder Things.
- Artifact of Doom
- Basement Dweller
- Beneath the Earth
- Cool Versus Awesome: In the animated sequence, C'thulhu rips off a Triceratops's head and uses it to skewer a Shoggoth.
- Cthulhumanoid
- Disability Immunity: Being of the Lovecraft bloodline makes it impossible for Jeff to lose his sanity.
- The Drag Along
- Fish People
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Lovecraft Country: Surprisingly, given the title, averted.
- Nerd Action Hero: Paul, not only does he save the other two guys (and thus the world) but he also back-flips out of a second story window and runs across the desert with his arms broken.
- Black Comedy Rape
- Refusal of the Call
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Smug Snake: Despite being a telepath with tremendous powers, Starspawn prefers to fight tooth and claw whenever possible.
- Starfish Aliens
- Suspiciously Specific Denial
- These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know