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  • Adaptation Displacement: The film was based on a short story called "Mimsy Were the Borogoves" by Lewis Padgett. The film and the story different.
    • Most notably, the points of the two are focused on different things. The story was about the concept of learning a new form of logic, and how the children are able to gain that. The movie was about people in the future suffering from some sickness and having to get "pure" DNA from the past for a cure.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "Did you see the bridge?" Yes, Emma. Yes I did. And it was COOL.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:

 Emma: (watching a crab get killed on a cooking show) Yuck! They killed it!

Noah: (Emma is eating a hamburger) What about that chopped-up cow you're eating?

Emma: What chopped-up cow?

    • (Larry points to the two-headed snake in the jar) "This is what happens when you screw with the code! ...And don't tell your parents I said the word 'screw.'"
  • HSQ: The ending has a fairly high one. See CMOA above.
  • Tear Jerker: When Emma says goodbye to Mimzy.