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Some stories begin in schools, some at a park or in someone's apartment. This one starts on a spaceship.
Law of Purple is a sci-fi webcomic. It centers around the Fayse family, a set of siblings from the planet Caligula, where race is determined by one's ear shape, not skin color. They crash-land on Earth and quickly make their first real friends since they left their home world. It can be found here
Tropes used in The Law of Purple include:
- Action Girl: Most of the female cast, but most notably Lette.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: The Caligulans, where one family contains kids with red, green, blue, and white skin.
- Anything That Moves: Morgan
- Art Evolution: Compare this page with this one.
- Author Avatar: Jay is based on the author, Jessica Segaard This one is more direct
- Badass Damsel: Lette, in Dogs of War.
- Bald of Evil: Silver is totally bald.
- Bare Your Midriff: Several places. this is a nice example.
- Beautiful All Along: Jel's cousin Vickie actually looks better without her customary layer of makeup.
- Best Woman: Boy cats are not eligible to be bridesmaids.
- Bi the Way: Lynnah, Green and Blue, at least.
- Big Bad: Silver
- But We Used a Condom: Lette's mother was in her mid-forties and using two kinds of birth control when she became pregnant with Lette. This is why Lette is about the same age as her nephew.
- The Caligula: Silver. Possibly lampshaded, as the planet he's the king of is called Caligula.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: Lampshaded. Lette is building a harem.
- Catfolk: The Nekojin
- Chainmail Bikini: Lette is forced into one here. That's also the closest thing to a skirt we're ever going to see on that girl.
- Covered in Kisses: [1]
- Covert Pervert: Danni
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Apparently possible on Myrania
- Deadly Doctor: Doctor Dross
- Descriptively Named Species: The Nekojin. (Neko means cat in Japanese)
- Designated Girl Fight: Starts on this page.
- Dumb Blond: Invoked by Shi Shi here.
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Thud puts it beautifully.
- Entitled to Have You: Shishi clearly feels this way about Blue.
- Mr. Fanservice: It would be shorter to list the male characters that don't qualify for this than those that do.
- Evil Laugh: Lette, in this comic. And she pulls it off beautifully.
- Expy: The author freely admits that Lette's design is based on Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Face Heel Turn: Synn, before the start of the comic, although it's not clear how bad he really was before Heel Face Turning back.
- Fan Service: [2] [3][4] [5] [6] [7] [8]. Please note that the page titles for several of these mention their fanserviceyness.
- Filler Strips: Usually very amusing ones.
- Gender Restricted Ability: Myranian women can access and manipulate peoples' nervous systems. Men cannot.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Dex looks like the very attractive Lette when his glasses are removed.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: It's not obvious, but Ingrid's skin is green
- Guest Strip: [9][10]
- Half-Human Hybrid: Mentioned in this early comic. Later, we find out that Daimon is a wraith/human hybrid. Even later, Memphis gets Sabre pregnant, and Red and Rose are also expecting.
- Halloween Cosplay: Lette dresses up as Priest Set(o)
- Heel Face Turn: Several characters could qualify for this, although how much of a bad guy they were beforehand is variable. Daimon probably fits best.
- Homosexual Reproduction: baby packs
- Hot Amazon: Lynnah
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Lynnah again.
- Human Aliens: Most alien species look human, with a few differences.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Only a dream, but...
- Important Haircut: Lette, in Behind Blue Eyes
- Interspecies Romance: Let's see...Sabre and Memphis, Blue and Lette (and Synn), Red and Rose, Aaron and Tuyen...the list goes on.
- It Runs On Nonsenseoleum: The series is named after the in-universe law of purple, which states that nature loves purple, but hates a vacuum. So the vacuum between space is purple.
- Kick Chick: Mari resents not getting the opportunity to be one of these.
- Klingons Love Shakespeare: Krackadoom is most impressed with cake.
- Lady Land: Myrania
- Lecherous Lick: This is only a dream, but the lick at least is absolutely in-character for Robbie.
- Little Green Men: Green until his growth spurt
- Lizard Folk: Non-evil example, the Drakon
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Danni
- Love Triangle: Robbie and Lynnah are both after Green.
- Mad Doctor: Doctor Dross
- Manipulative Bastard: As of this comic, Dross seems to be adding it to his repertoire of villain tropes.
- The Men in Black: Memphis, Rose, and Violet's parents used to be in one of these organizations. Lette and her nephew's boyfriend are currently members.
- Moment Killer: Shishi is really good at this
- Most Common Superpower: ShiShi's wrong, by the way.
- Mundane Fantastic
- No Bisexuals: Mentioned in this comic.
- Nosebleed: Yes, Blue is that sexy. [11] [12] lampshaded here
- Our Dragons Are Different: 'Dragons' are actually higher-dimensional creatures that spend most of their time in another plane of existence.
- Power Dyes Your Hair: Wraithe hair changes color when they go in badass-mode.
- Prince Charming Wannabe: Nick
- Psychotic Smirk: Lette pulls this off brilliantly despite not being evil.
- Punny Name: all of the Fayse siblings
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Whitey, Sabre and Vanessa
- Reluctant Fanservice Girl: Lette does NOT appreciate the outfit.
- Reptilian: Non-evil example: the Drakons
- Sarashi: here
- School Clubs Are Serious Business: Dex's excuse for why he'd be willing to help out Robbie.
- Self-Made Orphan: Silver kills all of his family that he can, including his own mother.
- Series Hiatus: From August first, 2011 to November 20, 2011. Also from March 15, 2012 to present.
- Shout-Out: Lette's character design is stated to have been based off Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!, as referenced here and here. There's also the yearly "beware the ides of March" Tribble joke. [13]
- Space Elves: Second-kind Caligulan.
- Space Pirates: Morgan
- Spared by the Adaptation: The author states that there's a whole lot of people who were going to be killed off in earlier drafts.
- Stalker with a Crush: Shi Shi for Blue, and Nick for Lette
- Talking Is a Free Action: [14]
- Thanks for the Mammary: [15]
- Threesome Subtext: [16]
- Took a Level In Badass: Lette, in the Behind Blue Eyes ministory.
- Unusual Ears: Most notably Caligulan second kind, but some other alien species also fit.
- Uterine Replicator: Baby Packs
- Villain Protagonist: Silver attempts to compel the author to make him the main character.
- Virgin Power: The Wraithe species has the phenomenon of the "Virgin Seer".
- Wacky Cravings discussed by Red and Rose's pregnancy group here
- Webcomic Time: here
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Synn, post-trauma bleach.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Sylvana
- World of Action Girls: Myrania is a planet where the women have kick-ass powers and the men are seen a good for nothing but breeding and moving furniture.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The only natural hair color that appears in LOP that doesn't appear in real life is blue. (For humans anyway)