- Acceptable Targets: The French.
- Complete Monster: Magua in The Last of the Mohicans.
- Fair for Its Day: Surprisingly so, given the time period.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Cooper was the first American author to achieve not just recognition, but also bestselling commercial success in Europe. He was lionized while he lived in France - The Last of the Mohicans was written in Paris - and influenced not just a number of French, German and British writers who would write (proto-)Westerns modeled on the Leatherstocking Tales, but also for instance Balzac's novel Les Chouans and Alexandre Dumas père's Les Mohicans de Paris. And Cooper occupies a to American eyes astonishing amount of room in the Soviet and later Russian English Literature syllabus.
- Snark Bait: Mark Twain's essay on Cooper's writing style.
- Values Dissonance Comes up a lot.