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  • Breakaway Pop Hit: Pat Benatar's "Invincible".
  • Dawson Casting: Of the principal cast, only Christian Slater was a teenager (15). Everyone else was over 20. Particularly egregious was Yeardley Smith playing a girl who gets her first period during the movie...she was 21 in real life. (To be fair, she looked younger.)
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Inverted. Putter was played by Yeardley Smith shortly before her unmistakable voice was forever linked to the character of Lisa Simpson.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The film didn't get a DVD release until 2011. Most people have only seen it from TV airings.
  • Vindicated by Cable: Flopped at the box office, but became a favorite of HBO and similar channels.