A 1996 videogame.
The twin orphans Avin and Eimelle live in the city of Cathedral in the fictional land of El Phildin. One day, the city is attacked by the forces of the evil Lord Bellias, that wants Eimelle for his own sinister purposes. Avin and Eimelle manage to escape, but are separated.
Avin spends the next years living with sage Lemuras, without knowing where in the world is his sister. Lemuras eventually dies of old age, and Avin decides to leave the place where is living to search for his sister. Mile, a friend he made during his years on the village, accompanies him.
Developed by Falcom. Published by Bandai.
Tropes used in The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion include:
- Bishonen: Avin thinks a female NPC called him that; much to his annoyance, she reveals she was actually talking about Mile.
- Broken Bridge: A guard prevents the party of leaving the Capital to follow Martie unless the heroes become adventurers or hire one. Mile and Avin decide to try the first option.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Martie is in the middle of being beat up hard by a monster when Avin and Mile meet him.
- Dark Is Evil: Octum is the god of darkness and is pretty, pretty evil.
- Fetch Quest: The tasks given to the party so they can become adventurers are of this kind.
- Generation Xerox: Mile's father confesses he did misbehave a little like his son when he was the same age.
- Loners Are Freaks: Mile behaves in a unusual way in the beginning of the game, and the villagers assume that is because he never lived along a kid with same age as him like Avin.
- Making A Splash: The monster Big Hamakages has this ability.
- Reality Ensues: Lemuras even comments that don't matter if he consumes medicine, his body is degrading naturally and he will die without a doubt, before indeed dying.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Avin and Mile have this kind of interaction between themselves, with Mile being the sensitive one. It don't helps that Avin's actions drive the plot, so he will be naturally more active towards their objective.