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How's that for an Establishing Character Moment?
Considering how popular the first series was, it's no surprise we should expect the same treatment from Aang's literal Spiritual Successor.
Please add entries in the following format:
- The meme. <ref>Explanation: The explanation behind the meme.</ref> [1]
- Bolin's stage-whispered "The Avatar!", the first line heard from the new series.
- Buttering bagels. [2]
- Korra's introduction as the Avatar: "I'm the Avatar! You gotta deal with it!"
- Lin Bei Fong making the Eye Am Watching You gesture at Korra as she walks out with Tenzin, and Korra returning the gesture, but with a much more ridiculous rage face; as well as Lin shrugging with the most "whatever" expression ever animated afterwards. Fans love that sequence.
- Many fans proudly identify as Korrasexual.
- Asamisexual, Makosexual, and Bolinsexual are starting to float around too.
- "Korra, get in my office! I need pictures! Pictures of Spider-Man/The Avatar/The Blue Spirit!" [3]
- Be the leaf! So popular that the phrase "you only live once" has been co-opted to become "you only leaf once."
- Meelo in general.
- Fucking Hasook. [4]
- According to a certain commentator, Mako and Bolin are still "fresh and juicy".
- Mako is Batman! [5]
- Except Chief Lin Beifong, who IS SPIDER-MAN! [7]
- And now Tenzin needs pictures of her.
- Mako's garnered quite a few different interpretations by the fandom. The last scene of him looking out the window brooding in the second episode has gotten people to hilariously dub over, or caption, what he's thinking. Case in point. There's also "Tsundere" Mako, "Uke" Mako who ought to just stay in the kitchen and let Korra do all the work, and Beautiful Mako Problems.
- Comedy Amon. [9]
- Bad Luck Bolin. [10]
- Asami's Hair Flip, seen here.
- Perfect Man Bolin/Feminist Bolin. [11]
- Since there are plenty of creeps so far in the show, it's no surprise that there would be a lot of Just for Pun Memetic Molester memes floating around. Here's one of Amon, and one of Tahno.
- The line in which Tahno offers "private lessons" to Korra was made into an electro house remix on Tumblr. The song spread like wildfire.
- All of Chongthenomad's house remix songs qualify.
- Substituting Bolin's name into different songs is popular, such as Bolin in the Deep and They see me Bolin.
- Every time you leak something from an episode of Korra, Koh steals a kitten's face. [12]
- Korra and Mako kiss each other or other people while a third character walks in on them, wearing a heartbroken expression while holding a bouquet of roses and Pabu is around their neck. [13]
- This meme even ended up featured on Bryan Konietzko's tumblr.
- "Makooooooo-oh." [14]
- Mako's one true love is money or his scarf.
- Inappropriate Timing Spongebob is Amon. He also laughs at your pain. [15]
- There are also other instances from Korra, the original series, Disney Mass Effect 3, and many more.
- Now with payback!
- Firebenders killing everybody's parents. [16]
- Even his hair is broken! [17]
- "Get in loser. We're going Equalist hunting/shipping/etc." [18]
- A growing number of fans have taken to identifying the real-world counterparts to the cars seen in the show.
- On that note: Team Avatar's transport from the start was almost universally agreed upon to be called the Korramobile.
- "I Hope Tarrlok [bad inconvenience here, such as 'drinks orange juice after brushing his teeth']" jokes have sprung up en masse after episode 8.[19]
- Avatar Kyoshi giving Korra overly violent advice, or reveling in the destruction Korra causes, including a blog based on the idea.
- Using "doozy" to refer to every intense episode [20]
- ↑ Like this.
- ↑ A story about what Bryan Konietzko was doing when the opening for the series leaked, (which wasn't actually true) has made this a joke about getting mad in response to a leak, or just Avatar-related anger in general.
- ↑ Tenzin is voiced by J. K. Simmons.
- ↑ After his bad performance as one of the Fire Ferrets and subsequently leaving them (which nearly got them disqualified), the fandom has taken to blaming Hasook for anything bad happening on the show.
- ↑ In episode three, it's revealed that they lost their parents when Mako was eight years old when a mugger killed them right in front of him. This, of course, led to Mako being declared Batman.
- ↑ Comparisons to Batman were already being made before Mako's revelation. This and the fact that Amon's backstory is apparently similar to that of Mako and Bolin's cued this saying.
- ↑ After And The Winner Is..., people immediately began making comparisons between the metalbending chief of police and the wall crawler.
- ↑ J. Jonah Jameson'll be tongue-kissing Spider-Man before the X-Men catch a little public favor.
- ↑ A series of panels featuring Amon, in which he tells a (presumably) bad joke, gets no response from the assumed audience, and then generally finishes by saying "Well, I thought it was funny."
- ↑ It seems that no matter what Bolin does, he will always have horrible things happen to him.
- ↑ Speaks for itself.
- ↑ When Bryan Konietzko found out fans leaked episode 4 online, his response was a cat macro with this line and a kitten with a shopped-out face. Koh is an evil spirit from the original series who steals faces.
- ↑ This happened in episode 5, when Korra and Mako kissed, and Bolin witnessed it by accident.
- ↑ A random guy calling out Mako's name in episode 5 (only to be ignored) has been christened "Mof", which stands for "Mako's only fan".
- ↑ A screenshot showed a Spongebob promo laughing while Korra falls back into the Pro-Bending arena.
- ↑ Mako and Bolin's, Amon's (but as an Unreliable Narrator), and Asami's mother.
- ↑ After Tahno lost his bending to Amon in a Break the Haughty moment, he later appeared with way worse hair than his old stylized look.
- ↑ The gif of Asami skidding up in the "Korramobile" or a shot of everyone inside from the preview for episode eight. Sometimes shown with a side character replying to the offer. A reference to the Mean Girls scene: "Get in, loser. We're going shopping."
- ↑ Similar to the "I hope Rick Santorum... meme".
- ↑ Before it was released, Bryan said episode 8, easily one of the most intense so far, would be a "doozy"