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Book One: Air[]

  1. "Welcome to Republic City"
  2. "A Leaf in the Wind"
  3. "The Revelation"
  4. "The Voice in the Night"
  5. "The Spirit of Competition"
  6. "And the Winner Is..."
  7. "The Aftermath"
  8. "When Extremes Meet"
  9. "Out of the Past"
  10. "Turning the Tides"
  11. "Skeletons in the Closet"
  12. "Endgame"

Book Two: Spirits[]

  1. To Be Announced
  2. To Be Announced
  3. To Be Announced
  4. To Be Announced
  5. To Be Announced
  6. To Be Announced
  7. To Be Announced
  8. To Be Announced
  9. To Be Announced
  10. To Be Announced
  11. To Be Announced
  12. To Be Announced
  13. To Be Announced
  14. To Be Announced

BOOK 3: Change[]

BOOK 4: Blance[]