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For theories about other subjects, see The Legend Of Korra Wild Mass Guessing Index.
Asami will play a very important role in giving Korra the advantage over Amon. Maybe she'll be the one to ultimately take him down[]
Korra will probably be outmatched as Amon fights dirty. At the very least, she'll probably get her break only by Asami's intervention. Besides even in the last series the only thing that worked against Chi Blockers in close combat is Muggle Martial arts and I mean look at Sokka and Suki. To add to that, she'll probably use the Equalists' own weapons and maybe even a Mecha against them (she has tried the gloves already). It would also be a serious blow to Amon's agenda that he really represents the interests of all non-benders.
Hiroshi will die sooner or later in the series. At the very least he goes to prison for a long long time.[]
Because Redemption Equals Death is the typical fate of the Avatar-verse's Well-Intentioned Extremist, or in the case of Hama, captured and imprisoned again. For details, I'm guessing that his desire for vengeance will overrule his love for his daughter and he probably will knock her away when she pleads for him to stop. That is, until the Equalists decide to start attacking anyone, including non-benders in their way. He realizes his mistake, possibly with a My God, What Have I Done? moment and dies in the end by Taking the Bullet to save her from the attack of a mecha.
Tearjerker bonus if he dies or goes to prison with a Final Speech telling her he's sorry for all he did and if she'll forgive him. Additional bonus points if he has a Last Request to Mako to take care of Asami for him. Asami's already among the Biggest Woobies as of Episode 7 and what better way to pour more Angst and Tearjerkers into the show?
Asami looks like Lust because...[]
Someone's evil. Either Asami, 'cause that's obvious, or Mike and Bryan, because seriously, you can't trust that girl when all you're thinking of is poor Havoc...
- Seconded. As utterly unfair as it is to compare Asami to another 'verse's villain on looks alone, the unintended similarities are so striking for this troper that Asami rings alarm-bells in spite of evidence she's genuinely nice and not, say, evil and planning stab Mako once she loses interest.
- Jossed - The creators have noted it to be a coincidence, but they have however embraced the similarities between the two. See the Shout-Out entry on the main page. The link to Bryan's tumblr fills out the details.
- Maybe they embrace it because they're evil.
- Who is Lust?
- This gal.
- She's evil.
It may just be me but the two look very similar.
Hiroshi Sato knew Sokka.[]
Specifically, Sokka was the one who gave him the loan that helped Hiroshi's satomoblies take off. After all, we know Sokka has a thing for gadgets and inventions and might have even seen a bit of himself in Hiroshi.
Asami having an ulterior motive?[]
This troper predicts that she only wants the fame of being a probender's lover, and will ditch Mako when he voluntarily leaves probending to help Korra with the Equalists or the Fire Ferrets will lose by a major margin in the finals. Once Mako has no tie to probending, she'll move on to a 'better' probender. Just a theory, but does anyone care to add their two cents?
- If all she wanted was a pro/trophy boyfriend she probably had better choices other than the hot new guy. If Asami and/or her dad are Equalists she either bribed the referees to save Mako or convinced Amon/her dad to do it. Any further motives hinge on whether Asami knows and cares that she's in a love triangle/rectangle with all three Fire Ferrets.
- Especially considering that the Fire Ferrets are still kind of a rookie team. If Asami wanted a pro-bender for a "trophy boyfriend", she'd likely go for one with more prestige, such one who has won championships.
Asami paid off the referees in 'And the Winner is...'.[]
Mako said that someone wants the Fire Ferrets to lose. That isn't necessarily Tahno and the Wolfbats, who may just tend to fight dirty anyway. If Asami has connections to the Equalists (given the Equalists' technology, a connection to Future Industries seems plausible), but does care for Mako or the Ferrets, she might have wanted to ensure that it was the Wolfbats, not the Ferrets, that got unbent by Amon.
- As of episode seven, it's more likely her father did it. He'd be in a better position to as well.
Asami will eventually join the fight against the Equalists and start wearing spy catsuits.[]
Because despite her being Spoiled Sweet, a major pro-bending fan, and able to draw out Mako's Adorkable side, most vocal viewers still think that either she and/or her father will be shown having some connection to the Equalists or she's a Mary Sue. This is way too convenient a theory, and it's probably popular due to four factors none of which are more than loosely if at all relevant to the main plot of the story: the fact that she looks like Lust, The Last Airbender movie's Yue actress being her VA, the threat she presents to Makorra, and the fact that she's rich. Now let's put these all in a different context.
- -Looking like Lust? Brychael have publicly embraced that resemblance via Bryan's Tumblr after having it pointed out to them.
- -Movie!Yue as the VA? This is despite the "race-bending" circus from the movie getting so bad Korra's voice actress has gotten picked on by some fans for being white.
- -Makorra? Episode five clearly shows Brychael are willing to Troll ship warriors, and Korra's handling of her crush on Mako has hardly been portrayed as a positive in the early going (which in itself is an example of the Fridge Brilliance in Korra's immaturity in general — her sheltered upbringing justifies her portrayal as a reflection on the hardliners in her own fanbase).
- -The Satos being rich? The orignial series' Five-Man Band included two kids of a chief, a runaway noble, and a banished prince. Clearly their families have established a powerful trust of sorts within the world since that war, what with Aang having a Statue of Liberty in the city, Katara being the reasonable member of the White Lotus, their son a city councilman, and Toph's daughter the chief of metalbending police. Furthermore, the Satos actually contributed something positive to the world to earn their station in life, so why should we assume they'd side with the guys whose idea of equality is to bog everyone down?
The Avatarverse is a world overflowing with tropes, many of which have been either subverted, played atypically, or toyed with and averted. With so many little things playing out in ways that have the fanbase wistfully thinking Asami is Obviously Evil without even looking at her characterization or place in the story that we've seen thus far, she is bound to go in the opposite direction, remain a face, and NOT overtake the story.
Asami will become an Air Acolyte or hone herself into being a Badass Normal for the team[]
She is moving in with Tenzin along with Mako and Bolin, and she likely will find the lifestyle more appealing than the one she had as a Spoiled Sweet girl. Otherwise, she will learn from them to become a true Badass Normal for the Krew against the Equalists, being the much-needed The Team Normal that is unfilled.
- In addition to that, Asami's going to be eventually be the Wrench Wench / Gadgeteer Genius for the team. Aside from growing up in the lap of luxury, Asami grew up knowing about automobiles and mechanics in general. Hiroshi was probably grooming her to succeed him in heading the company, so she knows a thing or two about machines, which will come in handy against the Equalist Mechas that are made of pure platinum, i.e Metalbenders can't come near them so they have to be taken out another way.
Asami can't be an Equalist by sheer fact that it creates a big, gaping plothole.[]
Hiroshi Sato had the Avatar, the most powerful Airbender in the world (the only current Airbending master alive, actually), and the chief of metalbending police unconscious. Why would he give that all up just so he can have his daughter hang out with the brothers again? It makes no sense. He had everyone important captured, there was no need for Asami to go undercover. Even if we're to take into account Amon saying he would save Korra for last, there's still no reason for him to let Tenzin and Lin go. Especially since taking them out would further his plan AND hurt Korra. Plus, it would leave everyone on Airbender Island open for attack, where the only known Airbenders being Tenzin's kids. He gave up all that just to make Asami a double agent? No.
- As a wrestling fan, I have seen TNA pull off way too many of this same kind of asinine Character Derailment Shocking Swerve Face Heel Turn by guys selling out to some Spotlight-Stealing Big Bad that anyone still on the "Equalist!Asami" bandwagon is basically asking for.
- Then that begs the question of why they would spend an entire episode, when they only have five left, trying to make her sympathetic just to have it mean nothing? That doesn't really sound like Mike and Bryan. At least when Zuko gave up his chance at redemption, it made sense. I dunno. I am of the simple belief that Asami is Suki 2.0
- And this is actually my point. Mike and Bryan do not treat the Avatarverse like TNA writers treat TNA. They don't pander to the bizarro equivalent of a smark, and they don't pull constant stupid "shock twists" out of their ass. They don't do things like turning a memetic soldier ready to strike out on his own as a major Badass Face into a hate-mongering lackey Jobber in one night. They don't have an Acrofatic physical killer destroy a group for months in a Roaring Rampage of Revenge for breaking his arm, have a chance to win a hard fought ladder match to become world heavyweight champion at his fingertips, then literally just stop and give the title to the enemy faction's leader, who he's hated since they met on the roster in the first place, on a silver platter. They actually write stories that make sense.
If Asami was actually an Equalist spy, there was literally no better time than the moment she took that gauntlet from her father to make The Reveal and join him in his Face Heel Turn by attacking Mako. It almost literally would've won Amon the war then and there. Instead, she did the opposite, and like you said, it made the entire episode a sympathetic look at her. For this to be a ruse where she later turns out to be Evil All Along, especially with five episodes left in this seasonal arc, IMO would just smack of the same - derailing a character into a jerkass as a means to an end for other characters (in this case shipping). For that to be the road paved to Makorra would stain that ship for many a sane or non-shipper, and even risk putting people off the show depending on how much they liked Asami before or how much Makorra gets shoved down their throats since. This isn't Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara (who thankfully no longer work for the company), this is Michael Dante Di Martino and Bryan Konietzko. These gentlemen are not self-deluded idiots.
Hiroshi Sato will have a Heel Face Turn after the shock of his daughter's clear disapproval truly sinks in.[]
- Given what happened to a certain non-bender who wanted to do right in extreme ways, he will likely die as a result.
- Bonus points if Asami calls the old man out, telling him that her mother would never approve of him helping in ways that would kill/or harm countless innocent people and he realizes that she's right.
The Satos' dynamic with Hiroshi being for the Equalists and Asami against them will lead to a revelation about the true nature of Amon's end objectives.[]
Asami and Mako's Crash Into Hello was a ploy on Asami's part...[]
...to get into Mako's pants.
Mrs. Sato's death was arranged by Amon.[]
The man's a criminal mastermind playing the long game. He arranged for a firebending triad to loot the Sato mansion and kill Hiroshi's wife, with the aim of cultivating a useful ally in his crusade against benders. Even if Hiroshi didn't come to blame benders, Amon would still have generated some bad press for firebenders with such a high profile crime.
Hiroshi's involvement will come back to bit equalists in the ass[]
Sure they got away, but they left behind thick walls made out of pure platinum. If Republic City can't find a way to use that to their advantage, it deserves to lose.
- How?
- Platinum is a powerful catalyst. Gasoline (or something else readily flammable)+something containing nitrate or nitrite+platinum=great balls of fire, which firebenders can proceed to throw into the cockpit and roast the pilot alive.
- Mako, brother, meet your new superpowered flare gun.
- Platinum is a powerful catalyst. Gasoline (or something else readily flammable)+something containing nitrate or nitrite+platinum=great balls of fire, which firebenders can proceed to throw into the cockpit and roast the pilot alive.
An Equalist/Amon helped Hiroshi start up his company[]
Amon recognized Hiroshi's genius potential and cultivated it, hoping to turn Hiroshi into an ally. He had one of his most loyal followers help Hiroshi and win his trust, and used that trust to influence Hiroshi's opinions against benders. The efforts were largely unsuccessful until the death of Mrs. Sato; Amon's agent took advantage of the tragedy to convince Hiroshi that all benders were evil. The agent also advised Hiroshi not to overtly change his stance on benders to avoid suspicion.
- Well, at least this version of the "Equalists financed Hiroshi" theory clarifies that Hiroshi wasn't just arbitrarily bought.
Asami will glom on to the sweet ride that Tarrlok tried to bribe Korra with.[]
And the vehicle will become the team's official ride/getaway car.
- Second that. Remember Korra had only "driven" Naga and there's no mention of the car being returned or sold (it was last seen being effectively a playground for the Airbender kids) so expect to see a fanservice-y shot of Asami working on it under the hood or underneath it, asking Korra for tools in another Friendship Moment and/or one of the brothers as a gender flip.
- Confirmed in the preview of Episode 8!
Asami will become Bumi's pupil in the same way that Sokka was to Piandao[]
(See Gaang's Descendants page) Although she likes/knows Satomobiles/machines to be The Smart Guy in that field compared to Mako being one in general leadership, learning under Bumi, who has his own style/tech while giving a better edge than simply "Rest of the Krew cover me while I sabotage this factory/machine's weak spot." Said upgrades will provide a one-off Giant Mecha to counter Hiroshi's Super Mecha-Tank in an emotional battle near the end that chips away at Hiroshi's resolve and makes him what the hell kind of world the Equalists are fighting for if she's not around to live in it.
Zuko and Asami will have a heart to heart about their fathers[]
At some point, Zuko will visit the island, and he and Asami will bond. He'll give her some advice about turning against family to do what's right, and they'll have tea.
- For bonus points, they'll go to a local Jade Dragon as a Call Back to Zuko's relationship with Iroh.
Hiroshi Sato will have a Villainous Breakdown, Azula-style.[]
First a firebending gangster took his wife. Now, he's going to blame a firebending street rat for taking his daughter from him. He's going to get a whole lot worse before he gets better (assuming he ever does).
Hiroshi will break the non-benders out of prison using his battle mechas[]
A bunch of innocent non-benders, including Asami, have been arrested and are being held prisoner by Tarrlok. Hiroshi seems to be sincere in his Equalist views and he probably still cares about Asami even after her betrayal. And he has the necessary machinery and resources to stage a massive prison break.
- Further prediction: Asami will not accept the rescue, saying that he's escalating the conflict, just like Tarrlok, and that she'd rather be legally released from prison. She also won't leave without Mako and Bolin, and her father refuses to help "the enemy".
Hiroshi encouraged the budding Asami/Mako relationship to distract Asami from his Equalist activities[]
In the first episode, Amon talks about them moving up their plans due to the Avatar's presence. Their plans probably required significant development and manufacturing from Hiroshi. He was still trying to hide his involvement with the Equalists from Asami when the instructions to speed up development came, so he needed some way to hide how much more he was working from her so she wouldn't ask questions. When he found out she had met a guy, he was probably ecstatic, seeing it as the perfect solution. He wasn't quite as pleased when he found out the boy was a firebender, but continued to pretend to give his full support to the pairing, to avoid raising Asami's suspicions.
Asami will become Korra’s Cool Big Sister[]
Because Korra was sheltered all her life she has little to no experience with so called “wide world”, she is immature and awkward when it comes to any sort of relationship (situation with Mako), she is also a bit naïve and generally is not a people person (Tarrlok’s party). She still shows interest in a romance and being more feminine, she wants to learn. Asami as a daughter of the richest guy in the city probably was on many parties and met many people from the high social circles. She also seems to be a Spoiled Sweet, really wanting to help her friends. I think that at some moment these two will get a bonding moment when Asami will help Korra with her social issues. Their relationship will develop in a similar way as these of Toph and Katara, only not with a “mother substitute” but a Cool Big Sister instead.
Asami is going to become a Clingy Jealous Girl so Mako will have a reason to leave her and go for Korra[]
This troper personally perfers Asami/Mako to Makorra, but given the way she was eyeing the two in "When Extremes Meet", it looks like she's on her way to becoming a Green-Eyed Monster.
- From how she asked Bolin about Mako and Korra in Out of the Past, she does seem jealous, but also sad that Mako pays more attention to Korra than her in the episode. I'm guessing that she'll confront Mako about it in the next episode. I also ship Asami and Mako so I'm really hoping that they don't break them up just to have Makorra.
- Original poster here, I agree you. If they can bring Makorra around in a believable way I'll accept it but sacrificing a character just for a ship seems stupid. Masami and Borra FTW.
Asami's going to end up as Daddy's Little Villain[]
Well, Love Makes You Evil and after the events of the most recent episodes, Asami does not look very happy about the fact that Mako still seems to have feelings for Korra. She's going to join up with the equalists because she feels that Mako prefers Korra over her because she's a bender, going bit mad in the process because bending seems to have taken away everything she's loved. Her mum was killed by a firebender (along with everyone else's) Her boyfriend prefers a bender over her and her dad went over to the dark side because of the first reason.
- Highly improbable for the simple fact that we've already had a non-Bender traitor in Hiroshi Sato, and repeating the same basic plotline would be rather weak in show as short as this. It would also undermine the series' goal to give equal treatment to Benders and non-Benders, in moral terms. Turning the only non-Bender of the Team Avatar to a bad guy over petty jealousy would be compareable to Sokka joining the Fire Nation; it just doesn't fly. No doubt there's going to be a confrontation of some sort, and it may well be angry and bitter, but it's not going to turn Asami into a villain.
If Asami and Mako break up she'll go for Bolin instead[]
There isn't any evidence for it but why not?