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Ganon has returned
So Link gets the Master Sword
And saves Zelda, too.


Same plot as before
So why is it still awesome?
I think it's the hat.


Three gold triangles
The power of the Triforce
It will save the world.


Evil warlock aims
to get her. Take a sad song
and make it better.


Across Hyrule Field
The six medallions in hand
His tower awaits...


Whether boat, or horse,
You find news ways to complain
For our sakes, Please stop.


Hey, what's that thing there?
It looks like a pineapple...

—Progeny Ex Machina

The Hero of Time
defeated countless monsters
attacked by cuccos


[[The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Lose your instrument
Now you are a Deku Scrub]]
Oh my God, Ben Drowned.

—RL Yoshi

Twenty-five years old
So now we take to the skies
To celebrate it.

—King Sonn Dee Doo

What is that big heap
Of random junk in the sand?
Shit, it's Moldarach.

—Teh Masteh Sord