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Main Characters[]
![S Mask 1893](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b0/S_Mask_1893.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928033812)
The Hero of Time that saved Hyrule in the previous game. He went into the Lost Woods to search for his fairy Navi. While searching, he was attacked by the Skull Kid with his fairy friends Tatl and Tael and lost his Ocarina of Time as well as his horse Epona. He then follows the Skull Kid into the land of Termina, where he has to summon the Four Giants to stop the moon from being dropped onto the land.
The tropes below only apply to this Link in this game. For more information on this Link, see the character sheet for Ocarina of Time.
- Badass Adorable: He's still a kid, but he's definitely more badass now. He can use adult equipment (Bow, Hookshot) and does fancy flips and acrobatics when he jumps across platforms.
- Baleful Polymorph: The first time he transforms into each of his forms, he will be seen writhing in pain while he morphs into the person whose soul the mask contains.
- Be the Ball: One of Link's powers in his Goron form.
- BFS: The Great Fairy's Sword. As well as the Double Helix Sword.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Zora Link can use his arm-fins as weapons, or even as boomerangs.
- Covert Pervert: Link could get used to this.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Link's base form is one of these. While he's not quite as much of a ladies man as he was in Ocarina, characters in game still find him cute.
- Dead Person Impersonation: Each of the masks contain the soul of a dead person whom Link can take the form of when he wears the mask.
- Deku Mask: (Hinted to be) Deku Butler's son
- Goron Mask: Darmani, a famed warrior.
- Zora Mask: Mikau, the guitarist of the Indigo-Go's.
- Elemental Punch: Goron Link's fire punches.
- Infinity+1 Sword: The Great Fairy Sword. As well as the Double Helix Sword.
- The Ishmael: The game's focus is mainly on the many, many side characters, and not on Link himself. Link's own role in the game is more of a supporting character to all these side characters to move their own plots forward. Link is still The Hero in that it is eventually him who saves the whole world, and the main plot itself doesn't specifically focus on any certain characters aside from the main villain and Link, but the main focus of the game is on the sidequests, so he qualifies for this trope mainly due to this fact.
- Morphic Resonance: The Deku form, Goron form, and Zora form all still wear Link's green hat and green skirt, boots and gauntlets, despite not acquiring the gloves until he's older…
- Deku-Link also has Link's bangs.
- Not Quite Flight: Link's Deku form lets him glide for short distances after being fired out of a flower.
- Physical God: The Fierce Deity mask makes him one.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Uses the power of Time Travel to commit bank fraud by saving his money up from previous timelines. As the Versus strategy guide puts it “the whole ‘I'm going to stamp your bank balance on your forehead’ system is just begging to be abused.”
- Super Drowning Skills: While in Goron form, who sinks like… well, a rock.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: Link's Zora form has this thanks to its gills.
- Took a Level in Badass: He can use the Bow and Hookshot as a child now which could only be used as an adult in Ocarina of Time, does fancy flips when jumping across platforms, and he braves the dark, twisted land that is Termina. Even though he's still a kid. Link didn't smile much in Ocarina of Time, not even in the game's artwork. In most of the artwork for this game, the style of which is slightly shifted to reflect the game's dark nature, Link has an overconfident smirk on his face.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Link has three forms he can shift into, Deku, Zora, and Goron. If you collected all the masks in the game and gave them all away (except for the Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks) to the kids you find running around in the field in/on the Moon, then the kid who takes you to the fight with Majora will give you an extra transformation mask, the Fierce Deity's Mask. Could its dark powers be as evil as those of Majora?
The resident Exposition Fairy. Although she serves the same purpose as Navi, their personalities are Different As Night and Day. Tatl only reluctantly joins Link, and initially doesn't even care what happens to him. She interrupts gameplay a little less often than Navi did, and with a muted bell ringing sound instead of Navi's “Listen!” sound.
- Aloof Ally: She at first only joins you because a door slammed in her face, and she frequently tells you that you should already know Ocarina of Time-era enemies' weaknesses. Because this was one of Navi's most useful features, it came across as a little annoying.
- Anti-Heroine: Type II
- Deadpan Snarker
- Exposition Fairy: She's much less talkative than Navi.
- Expy: Of Navi.
- Fairy Companion
- Lampshade Hanging: She frequently tells you should already know the weaknesses of a lot of the game's enemies. That's because this Link should.
- Never My Fault: Tatl stops Link from following the Skull Kid, and as a result gets left behind by him. She blames Link.
- Punny Name: Her brother's name is Tael. Put the two together and you get Tattle-tale.
- Tsundere
Tatl's more kindhearted younger brother. He is forced to stay with the Skull Kid for the three remaining days but he still provides Link and Tatl with clues about how to stop the moon from crashing and, possibly, save the Skull Kid from Majora's Mask's control.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Punny Name: His sister's name is Tatl. Put the two together and you get Tattle-tale.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: It says something that he still forgives Skull Kid for everything that's happened. Granted, he was right, but still.
Happy Mask Salesman[]
![Happy Mask Salesman Portrait 6721](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/e0/Happy_Mask_Salesman_Portrait_6721.png/revision/latest?cb=20240926191836)
While he first appeared as a minor NPC in Ocarina of Time, the Mask Salesman became a more important character in Majora's Mask. It was he who was carrying the cursed mask when the Skull Kid stole it and he lets Link out of his Deku form in exchange for his promise to find it.
- Ascended Extra: Compared to his role in Ocarina of Time.
- Aloof Ally
- Ambiguously Evil
- Ambiguously Human: The children on the Moon look oddly like him…
- Apathetic Citizen: He doesn't seem to care that the moon is crashing, he just wants the mask back. On the other hand though, he does express the concern that something bad will happen if the Skull Kid continues to possess the mask, so maybe he cares a little more than he lets on.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's a nice enough guy, but he flips his lid when he learns you didn't get the mask back.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Just look at him!
- Hammerspace: Pulls out a freaking giant piano out of nowhere.
- Magic Music: He teaches Link the Song of Healing, which allows him to heal troubled souls and turn their remains into masks.
- Minion Maracas: The Happy Mask Salesman does this to Link, gaining angry eyes.
- Shout-Out: Some of the masks he is carrying resemble Mario, Elvis, and Darth Maul.
The Four Giants[]
The guardian deities of Termina.
- Cephalothorax: Unlike other examples, though, their arms and legs are very lanky.
- Sealed Good in a Can: Link needs to free them all in order to save the day.
Important Characters[]
Champion of the Goron village in Snowhead. He died falling from the cliffs on the way to fight Goht at Snowpoint Temple; his soul is used to make the Goron Mask.
- Big Eater: One of the Gorons remarks that he said that “[he] cannot die until he has eaten a thousand tons of rock sirloin”.
- Expy: Of Darunia, Hyrule's own Goron champion.
- Posthumous Character
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
Guitarist of Zora jazz band the Indigo-Gos and allegedly their top warrior. He is killed attempting to rescue bandmate Lulu's kidnapped eggs from the Gerudo pirates; his soul is used to make the Zora Mask.
- Almost-Dead Guy: And his death scene is a supreme example of Mood Whiplash.
- Fish Person
- Hot-Blooded
- Papa Wolf: As mentioned in Ship Tease, the eggs that he's the father of Lulu's eggs. When some Gerudian pirates steal the eggs, he attempts to rescue them. Unfortunately, it is heavily implied that the Gerudian pirates made sure he didn't recover them by brutally injuring him to the point of death.
- Posthumous Character
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Not so much that the Zoras are a proud warrior race, but that Mikau is descended from a long line of them.
- Ship Tease: With Lulu - it's all but stated that the eggs are also his.
The Owl[]
![Kaepora Gaebora Portrait 99](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/9/9c/Kaepora_Gaebora_Portrait_99.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927021106)
The wise old owl who shows up around Termina. Has a much smaller presence here than in Ocarina of Time, showing up only twice: once to teach you the Song of Soaring, and again to show you the invisible path to reach the Lens of Truth.
- Giant Flyer
- The Owl-Knowing One
- Warp Whistle: The Song of Soaring it teaches you, which transport you to any activated Owl Statues.
The Bombers and Professor Shikashi[]
The Bombers are a group of children that do their part in making the world a better place, going around town and helping people in whatever way they can. They use Professor Shikashi's Astral Observatory as a hideout.
- Brats with Slingshots
- Expy: Professor Shikashi is an expy of the old man in blue in Hyrule Castle Town/Kakariko Village who usually had a story to tell. The Bombers are this to the kid who walks around in Kakariko Graveyard during daytime.
- You Can Run but You Can't Hide: The Bombers play hide-and-seek with Link.
Other Characters[]
Romani and Cremia[]
![Romani and Cremia 5989](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/9/90/Romani_and_Cremia_5989.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928013806)
Two sisters who run Romani Ranch together. Ever since their father passed away, Cremia has taken care of Romani by herself despite the hard times they have to go through such as dealing with the Gorman Brothers and the mysterious disappearances of their cows.
- Alien Abduction: If you fail Romani's sidequest, she's abducted by aliens, along with the Cattle, and is returned on the third day traumatized.
- Escort Mission: If Link saves Romani Ranch from “Them”, he can help Cremia deliver some milk to town; and in the process, must drive off the disguised Gorman Brothers attempting to destroy the cart. (This becomes laughably easy if you wear the Gorman Mask… which you can only get after finishing the quest.)
- Expy: Of child Malon for Romani, and adult Malon for Cremia.
- Family Business: Both girls run the ranch together though Cremia does more work.
- Farm Girls
- Friend to All Living Things
- Lost in Translation: In Ocarina of Time, Malon's Japanese name is Maron, which means "chestnut." Her Majora's Mask counterpart Cremia's Japanese name is Kurimia, where Kuri is another Japanese word for chestnut. Dragon Ball also used this naming pun.
- Lucky Translation: Cremia could easily be taken as a pun on “cream”, which fits with her being on a dairy farm.
- Love Triangle/Hopeless Suitor: Cremia has an unrequited crush on Kafei, who's already engaged to her best friend Anju.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Nevertheless, she attends their wedding, possibly indicating she's happy for them.
- Marshmallow Hell: The “reward” you earn from Cremia after successfully finishing the above mentioned Escort Mission while already having Romani's Mask. “You could get used to this.”
- My God, What Have I Done?: If you talk to Cremia on the third day without having stopped the alien invasion, she'll verbally beat herself up for not having listened to Romani's warnings.
- Promotion to Parent: Cremia for Romani.
- Third Person Person: Romani.
Pamela and her father[]
A young girl and her father who've been cursed by Skull Kid's awakening of the undead.
- Closet Shuffle: Pamela hides her cursed father inside their house's closet to keep the Gibdos outside the house from taking him away.
- Monster Closet: What players might think once they do open it.
- For Science!: Asks Link's permission to research him for displaying ghostly aspects (the transformation masks).
- Mama Bear: Inverted. Pamela is willing to do anything to protect her cursed father from the Gibdos, even if it means being harsh to Link.
- Mummy: Pamela's Father.
The Gerudo Pirates[]
Gerudo Pirates who are stationed at Great Bay Coast. They want to make a fortune out of the stolen Zora Eggs.
- Hot Amazon: A Zora nearby their hideout thinks they are this but shyly negates his reason for being there in the first place.
- Pirate: It's in their title.
Koume and Kotake[]
Two witch sisters who live in Woodfall. Unlike in Ocarina of Time, they're good guys. Before she went missing, Koume ran the boating tour that leads toward the Deku Palace. Kotake owns the potion shop.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite appearances, they're actually fairly nice people, although a bit racist towards Gorons, Dekus, and Zoras.
- Evil Counterpart: As noted above, inverted. Koume and Kotake in Majora's Mask are noticeably more friendly in this game than in Ocarina of Time, and you even have to save Koume to continue on with the game.
- Healing Potion: Kotake owns a potion shop; the only potion shop in Termina.
- Name's the Same: Unlike most of the other Terminan counterparts, they have the same names as their Hyrulean versions.
- Wicked Witches: Non-evil examples, in contrast to their Ocarina of Time selves.
Monkeys that live in Woodfall together with the Deku Scrubs. Both races fell into despair once the Deku Princess disappeared, leaving her monkey companion guilty of the “kidnapping”.
- Clear His Name: This is the reason why Link has to go to the Woodfall Temple, as the Monkey is being blamed for the Deku Princess's kidnapping. It was actually Odolwa who was responsible.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Everything's Better with Princesses
The Deku Royal Family[]
A Deku Family that rules most of Woodfall and its temple. Their king is a hasty man, their princess is actually more well-behaved, and their butler holds a few mysteries concerning his son. The Deku King blames the monkey for apparently kidnapping his daughter.
- Hot-Blooded: The King's greatest weakness.
- No Name Given: The butler's son.
- Only Sane Man: The Deku butler, who realizes that something must be done to save the princess.
- Papa Wolf: The King meant well (his daughter was kidnapped). Unfortunately, he was punishing the wrong person.
- Plant People
- Posthumous Character: It's heavily implied that the butler's son was killed by the Skull Kid while the latter was possessed by Majora's Mask and used his essence to trap Link into his Deku form.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Deku Princess.
The Goron Tribe[]
A Goron tribe that lives in Snowhead. Unlike the Gorons of Ocarina of Time, these Gorons love to race against each other in race tracks.
The Indigo-Go's and the Zoras[]
The Terminan Zoras live in Zora Cape. Unlike the Zoras of Ocarina of Time, these Zoras have a special liking to bands of their own.
- Fan Boy: The whole Zora tribe that's not a famous band member is this.
- Five-Man Band: With an actual band!
- The Hero: Mikau.
- The Lancer: Japas.
- The Smart Guy: Evan, who also happens to be The Leader.
- The Big Guy: Tijo.
- The Chick: Lulu.
- Fish People
- Theme Tune Cameo: Japas, Tijo, and Evan, when not spoken to, play different Zelda tunes in their rooms. Japas plays the original dungeon tune, Tijo plays the cave music from A Link to the Past, and Evan plays the game over screen music from the original.
The Professor[]
An old scientist stationed at Great Bay Coast.
- Expy: Of the scientist living in Lake Hylia.
A big turtle who's sleeping right behind the Zora Hall. He's the only gateway to get to Great Bay Temple.
Poe Collector[]
A weird man that helps you progress through Ikana Canyon once you present him the Garo's Mask.
- Expy: Of the previous Poe Collector in Ocarina of Time.
Sharp and Flat[]
Two living ghosts who inhabit Ikana Graveyard.
- Deal with the Devil: Sharp was tricked into one.
- Expy: Of the Royal Family composers of the same names in Hyrule.
- Magic Music: Flat composed a song that can summon rains, and purify his brother's soul. Sharp composed one that slowly kills you.
- Name's the Same: Like Koume and Kotake, they have the same names as their Hylian counterparts.
- Posthumous Characters
- Sealed Good in a Can: Flat, thanks to Sharp.
The Great Fairies[]
The Great Fairies return to give Link a hand if he manages to piece them back together by rescuing the Stray Fairies scattered in the dungeons.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Stray Fairies match the hair color of whichever Great Fairy they form.
- Expy: These Great Fairies have distinct hair colors, unlike their Ocarina of Time counterparts.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Just like in Ocarina of Time, every single Great Fairy in this game wears nothing but leaves[1] which, due to graphics, are completely and utterly see through, though nothing explicit is drawn.
The Princess of Hyrule, and Link's friend from his previous adventure there. She's the one who gave him the Ocarina of Time, and taught him the crucial Song of Time.
- Demoted to Extra: Only appears in a vision to make Link “remember” the Song of Time. So much for being the series' namesake…
Anju and Kafei[]
![Anju and Kafei 1092](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/eb/Anju_and_Kafei_1092.png/revision/latest?cb=20240925002204)
Anju is Termina's counterpart to Hyrule's Cucco Lady, and the owner of the Stock Pot Inn. Best friends with Cremia. Was to get married to Kafei on the day of the Carnival of Time, until he went missing.
Kafei is the son of Clock Town's Mayor, and Anju's fiancé. Mysteriously disappeared a few days before his marriage. As it turns out, he was cursed into the body of a child by the Skull Kid, and when he went to ask the Great Fairy to cure his condition, things only took a turn for the worse, as Sakon also stole the sun and moon mask from him. Now he feels he can't show himself to Anju before fixing things.
- Apologises a Lot: Anju.
- Baleful Polymorph: Kafei, although he was only transformed into a younger version of himself.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Kafei.
- Expy: Anju is one of the unnamed Cucco lady in Ocarina of Time.
- Guest Star Party Member: Kafei has the honor of being the first character in the series besides Link for being controllable by the player. The downside is that your control over him is short.
- Love Triangle: Unbeknownst to them, Cremia has a crush on Kafei.
- Older Than They Look: Kafei. Locked into a child's body, it's only natural.
- You Are Worth Hell: Part of their Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
The goofy-looking man who rides around by tying a balloon to his belt, floating in the air drawing maps. He's jealous that Link has a Fairy Companion, because he thinks that he's the reincarnation of a fairy. This is Tingle's debut in the series.
- Adult Child
- Catch Phrase: “Kooloo-Limpah!”
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's a 35-year-old ballooning map salesman who thinks he's a fairy.
- Gonk
- Intrepid Merchant
A hand sticking out of The Stock Pot Inn's toilet. It demands toilet paper from passersby.
Anju's family[]
Anju's mother, grandmother and deceased father.
The Banker[]
A happy banker who kindly deposits money for Link. Oddly, Link's savings are not affected whenever he travels back in time.
- Blinding Bangs
- Expy: Of the beggar from Ocarina of Time.
Bean Seller[]
A bean seller living beneath Deku Palace.
Beaver Brothers[]
Two beaver brothers who live high up in the waterfall close to Great Bay.
- Jerkass: Both beavers are big stuck ups when it comes down to racing them.
The Bomb Shop family[]
The Bomb Shop is run by the son and the mother.
- Expy: Of the the Bombchu Salesman in Ocarina of Time.
Moon Children[]
The children that run around inside the moon, waiting for somebody to “play” with Majora's Mask.
Cursed Man[]
A man cursed into the form of a Skulltula for his greed.
- Expy: Of the family that got turned into Skulltulas in Ocarina of Time.
The Ikana Graveyard's gravekeeper. He is seemingly frightened by the Stalchildren roaming the graveyard during the night.
- Expy: Of the original Dampé living in the Graveyard.
Don Gero's Frog Choir[]
Several frogs who roam Termina. Some of those frogs were turned into monsters inside the dungeons.
- Bilingual Bonus: “Gero” is a Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound frogs make.
- Talking Animals
Owns a rare seahorse.
Gorman and the Gorman Brothers[]
Three brothers who got separated once their middle brother went up to become involved in the world of entertainment. The younger and older Gorman brothers run the Gorman Track together, and they utterly dislike Romani Ranch to the point that they cause Cremia many problems, such as breaking her milk jars behind her back and robbing her of her milk cargo. Meanwhile, Gorman runs the Gorman Troupe (which is composed of himself, the Rosa Sisters, Guru-Guru, and the Twin Jugglers). He is dismayed to learn that his troupe won't be able to perform in the festival because Lulu of the Indigo-Go's lost her voice due to the mishappenings at Great Bay Temple.
- Expy: To Ingo from Ocarina of Time who is himself an expy of Luigi. The Brothers even challenge you to a horse race.
- Drowning His Sorrows: It's implied that this was the reason why Gorman was at the Milk bar.
- Family Business: The youngest and oldest brothers run the Gorman Track together.
- Tears of Remorse: The Gorman Brothers get very sentimental when Link wears the Circus Leader Mask, which reminds them of their middle brother. Moreover, they feel bad for doing bad deeds. Doing this stops them from assaulting Link and Cremia during the milk wagon delivery sidequest.
Owner of the Cucco shack who loves his Cuccos. When he hears that the moon will fall on Termina in three days, he is filled with sorrow as he understands he won't see his Cuccos develop into roosters.
- Expy: Of the Cucco Lady's brother in Ocarina of Time, except Grog looks more like a punk thanks to his mohawk.
A happy musician who lives in Termina. He's part of the Gorman Troupe.
- Expy: Of the Windmill Man of Ocarina of Time.
Honey and Darling[]
An extremely happy couple who run Honey & Darling's Shop, which changes minigames with each passing day. Honey is the woman and Darling is the man.
- Expy: They're the Terminan counterparts for the unnamed couple in Hyrule Town's Market.
- Happily Married
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: *Shooting them* increases your time in their mini-game. It also does absolutely nothing to darken their mood.
A dancing spirit who is looking for somebody to heal his soul and pass on his dancing moves to someone else.
Rosa Sisters[]
Two dancers who can't come up with a dance for the Carnival of Time. They're both part of the Gorman Troupe.
A kind of fox who only appear if Link cuts the rumbling bushes.
- Pop Quiz: Their main purpose for the game.
Link the Goron[]
A Goron who happens to have the same name the player character.
- Expy: Possibly of Darunia's son.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: His official name is Link. His in-game name is whatever you name Link.
- Verbal Tic: “-goro”. He gets screwed out of a room in the Stock Pot Inn because Anju doesn't realize it's just a tic.
Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma[]
The leaders of Clock Town and Kafei's parents. Mayor Dotour struggles to end the dispute between the carpenters and the guards. Madame Aroma hasn't heard a thing from Kafei a month ago so she takes upon herself to ask Link for his help using Kafei's Mask to gather info about his whereabouts.
Mamamu Yan[]
Owner of the Doggy Racetrack south of Romani Ranch.
Curiosity Shop Man[]
The mysterious man from the Curiosity Shop. He works in a normal-looking establishment during the days and shifts to the Curiosity Shop during the nights to sell "profitable" stuff to his clients.
- Character Tics: Appears to suffer from a chronic itch, as he is always scratching his back. This also serves to identify him and the Trading Post owner as the same person.
- Expy: Of the fisherman from Ocarina of Time.
Mr. Barten[]
Owner and bartender of the Milk Bar.
Mutoh and the Carpenters[]
The carpenters and their boss are in charge for constructing all the stands for the Carnival of Time. Mutoh is furious that the townpeople are planning to flee outside, which he believes is more dangerous than the blatantly obvious moon about to crash on their town.
- Expy: They're all counterparts of the carpenters in Kakariko Village.
Pierre the wandering scarecrow[]
A wandering scarecrow that Link meets in the Observatory. His main purpose is always serving Link as a Hookshot post.
- Expy: Of the original Pierre.
- Name's the Same: Shares the same name with Pierre.
The Postman[]
A dedicated postman who works in Clock Town to deliver letters. He takes his work seriously to the point his schedule is far more important than his well-being.
- Expy: Of the running man in Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time. The Postman would later get expies in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.
- Unstoppable Mailman: His life is nothing to his schedule. He takes his work so seriously that he refuses to flee on the last day unless he's given the order.
A shady thief who tries to steal the Bomb Shop's owner's mom from her merchandise to sell at the Curiosity Shop. He is also the one who stole Kafei's Sun Mask and hid it in his hideout at Ikana Valley.
- Death by Irony: What happens to him if his stolen bomb bag is shot down with an arrow. The guy literally leaves no trace of his existence behind.
An invisible wounded guard who's been trying to ask for help for years in Ikana Valley's road. He doesn't know exactly why everyone ignores him.
- Expy: Of a typical Hyrule guard except with a name.
- The Fool: After giving the Stone Mask to Link, he doesn't even know it was that said mask which made him invisible in the first place.
Offers sword training at the Swordsman's School. At first he doesn't seem to mind the moon about to crash on Clock Town, but he is seen quivering in fear during the final hours.
Captain Viscen and the Clock Town guards[]
The Clock Town guards maintain peace in Clock Town. Their captain is dismayed to learn that the carpenters are still willing to finish the preparations for the Carnival of Time even if the moon is going to collapse on them all.
- Expy: All of them resemble Hyrule's guards.
Zubora and Gabora[]
Blacksmiths found in the Mountain Village. Zubora is the small man and Gabora is the huge masked guy.
- The Big Guy: Gabora.
- The Blacksmith: Both of them, though Zubora is always seen relaxing while Gabora does all the work for him.
- The Smart Guy: Zubora. He says Gabora is as smart as a Deku Stick.
The Four Masked Beasts[]
![Majora Bosses 6829](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/7/73/Majora_Bosses_6829.png/revision/latest?cb=20240927085600)
Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, Twinmold. The monsters terrorizing the four temples of Termina, keeping their resident Gods sealed away and giving people all manners of trouble all over the world.
- Alliteration: Masked Mechanical Monster: Goht
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Twinmold.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Odolwa has green skin (unless he managed to paint his whole body), and looks human enough to qualify.
- BFS: Odolwa wields one.
- Boss Subtitles: As per The Legend of Zelda standards:
Masked Jungle Warrior: ODOLWA |
- Theme Naming: Their subtitles always mention how they are masked.
- Chasing Your Tail/Get Back Here Boss: Goht.
- Dance Battler: Odolwa, Type 4.
- Dual Boss: Twinmold.
- Flunky Boss: Odolwa and Gyorg. The former can summon moth swarms and beetles, and the later can summon smaller versions of itself (possibly offspring) from it's mouth.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Odolwa.
- Punny Name: Goht is a giant, mechanical verson of a four-legged animal with hooves and horns. Goats match that description.
- Sand Worm: Twinmold.
- Screaming Warrior: Odolwa.
- Sealed Good in a Can: They are the “can”. The Four Giants are the “good”.
- Shout-Out: Twinmold is similar to both the Lanmolas and the Moldorms from A Link to the Past.
- Spin Attack: Odolwa can perform this move.
- Underwater Boss Battle: Gyorg is Type 2 (Above Water), but can be Type 1 (Underwater) if you choose to fight it this way.
Skull Kid[]
![S Mask 6605](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b8/S_Mask_6605.png/revision/latest?cb=20240928033818)
The apparent Big Bad of Majora's Mask, the Skull Kid stole the titular mask from the Happy Mask Salesman. However, Majora took control of him, imprisoned the four Giants of Termina, and called down the moon to destroy the world. On top of that, the Skull Kid went around Termina to cause "mischief" to all four cardinal regions (poison the water in Woodfall, cause an eternal blizzard in Snowhead, warm up the ocean in Great Bay Coast while also tricking the Gerudo Pirates from exploring Great Bay Temple, and curse the living dead in Ikana Canyon) and some other pranks in Clock Town (such as turning Kafei into a child). With the aid of Skull Kid's former companion, Tatl, Link stopped Majora's plot, freed Skull Kid from his control, and gave Skull Kid what he really wanted - a friend.
- Anti-Villain: type II
- Ascended Extra
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Disc One Final Boss though you don't actually fight him.
- Fairy Companion: He has two - Tatl, who joins Link, and Tael, who stays with him.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Goes from a minor character in Ocarina of Time to the main Antagonist here.
- Mask Power
- The Power of Friendship
- Trickster Archetype
- Troll: Even before he was wearing the mask, his talent was basically pissing people off.
- Unwitting Pawn
The demon trapped inside Majora's Mask. When the mischievous Skull Kid steals the Mask, it begins to corrupt him, causing the moon to slowly crash into Termina. Not much is said about it.
- Ambiguous Gender: It may not even have a gender.
- Artifact of Doom
- Ax Crazy: Unlike most villains, Majora wants to kill just for fun.
- Big Bad
- Combat Tentacles: Majora's Wrath
- Dance Battler: Majora's Incarnation twirls like a ballerina and moonwalks while fighting you. Some of Majora's Wrath's moves may qualify, but that's a lot less funny.
- Demonic Possession: It basically had a joyride with the Skull Kid through the majority of the game, with the Skull Kid simply being an unwitting slave to the mask.
- Eldritch Abomination: It's also batshit crazy, to boot.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Part of it's backstory is that it was a mask used by an ancient tribe for hexing rituals until they figured out what kind of dark force they were messing with and sealed it away.
- Evil Mask: Hoo boy.
- Floating Mask
- For the Evulz: Majora has no motive other than its blatant, sick enjoyment at other people's misery.
- Heart Symbol - Oddly enough
- I Shall Taunt You: Majora's Incarnation ocasionally stops to dance or make some sort of weird movement. If you try to get close then, it'll simply run away.
- Laughing Mad: Just fight Majora's Wrath or even Majora's Incarnation and you'll see that it seems to laugh a disturbingly large amount of the time.
- Mad God: Majora is incredibly powerful and absolutely bonkers.
- Nightmare Face: Just look at those eyes…
- Omnicidal Maniac: It wants to crash the moon into Termina and kill everything.
Majora: "I will consume. Consume ... Consume everything." |
- Psychopathic Manchild: Extremely apparent during its final boss fight. It starts off as just the Mask (only bigger and with added tentacles), then turns into a giggling abomination who dances around the room at Super Speed - and then, once you've made it mad enough, it sprouts arm-whips and just starts beating the hell out of you.
- Scare Chord
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sequential Boss
- The Sociopath
- Whip It Good: The final form grows whips for arms.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Does this to Skull Kid after the Four Giants are summoned, albeit by abandoning him rather than outright killing him.
- ↑ And a pair of boots, to be more precise.