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  • When you revive the Music Box House, the Gibdos that are swarming it suddenly return to the dust of the earth while the house plays unfitting music. Your Mileage May Vary, as this has already gotten a page under Nightmare Fuel.
  • In the scene after Skull Kid leaves Deku Link and Tatl for dead, Tatl goes plain insane. She starts ragging at poor Link for her troubles, but then quickly changes her mind and agrees to help him if he does the same. Link turns to the Tv screen and shrugs, as if to say "Ho boy..."
  • If you wear the Captain's Hat and approach the King of Ikana after he sics his bodyguard on you, there's a short cutscene where he'll mistake you for Skull Keeta, the giant Stalfos who gave you the hat. But then, he remembers that Keeta was a lot taller than Link, and the battle resumes.
    • The Bremen and Gibdo masks have some pretty funny effects during the battle too.
  • If you check outside the Astral Observatory at the Termina Field, you'll find a guy in a tree trying to snag some Red Rupees. Roll into the tree, and the guy will fall out and hit the ground with an audible thud.
  • Shooting Tingle out of the sky. Since Americans Hate Tingle, it's a good thing we can get a laugh out of this.
  • Wear the Captain's Hat, Garo's Mask, or Gibdo's Mask around Redeads. Watch them dance.
  • As Goron Link, fight a Redead or Gibdo. They will freeze you, but then... They can't injure Goron Link! In fact, they'll try to, but then THEY get injured! And then they just try to walk away from you.
    • Similarly, there's a platform in Woodfall Temple that eats you if you step on it. If you're Hylian or Zora Link, it will eat you. If you're Deku Link, you'll be fine. If you're Goron Link, the platform attempts to eat you, but Goron Link makes it explode!
  • When you go see the monkey at Deku Palace and show him your Deku pipes, he'll go on about how the Deku Princess is in danger, and all that. Then as an afterthought, he asks, "By the way, who are you?" Face Fault!
  • I see your pair of bickering evil sorceress crones from Ocarina and raise you a pair of bickering undead floating heads in Ikana Castle.
  • Majora moonwalks during the final battle. No, I'm not kidding.
    • Majora has a ton of strange movements that make the battle a lot less scary and more hilarious than it would be otherwise.
    • After you beat the first form, Majora begins its One-Winged Angel transformations. The first time, however;
  • Although relies on the over-abuse use of gameshark codes, transforming into Oni Link outside of the battle with Majora reveals he towers over very well near the entire population of Hylians. This, in itself, isn't nearly as amusing as what happens when you trigger certain actions and events as Oni Link that fail to compensate for how Oni towers over the other races you become. This leads to things like the Song of Soaring making Oni Link sprout ass wings before taking off, or his legs disappearing into the floor him crouching just to walk into a door half his length.
    • Goron and Zora Link also have their wings during the Song of Soaring slightly below their shoulders, like they would normally be on Link, which is also somewhat funny.
  • Since this troper saw a similar idea posted on the Paper Mario page, I should also recommend the purchase of the Versus books strategy guide for this game, if only for the commentary.

"Mere moments after mastering the power of time travel, Link uses its unfathomable power to commit bank fraud.



<referencing Ghot in ice> "Now, you'd think all we'd have to do is just chisel off the mask and call it a victory for the forces of good, right? Well, Link likes to do things the hard way, so take out your fire arrow and thaw the beast."

  • The Swordsman in Clock Town has a variety of funny responses if you talk to him in a different mask. The crowner is if you wear the Mask of Scents...

"I am not stinky! I take a bath at least once a month!"

  • The scarecrow under the observatory, dancing to the beat of Saria's song.