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  • Anyone else think Oracle of Seasons' overworld map resembles the map from the original Zelda?
    • That and all the bosses are the same! I understand OoS was originally going to be a remake of the original game, but those plans didn't get very far.
    • Yeah, that's the case. OoS was supposed to be the first game and an unmade third game (left alone because of problems with the password system) was supposed to be the second game.
  • So if there was a third game; do you think maybe Farore would have been a painter, and the villain would kidnap her, the Oracle of Secrets, and then transform the world into Morrowind or a modern-day FPS game while Link had to gather the essences of colour (ROYGBIV plus something like pink maybe) to restore the world back to its natural and colourful state?
    • I didn't think about it before, but now I wish they did that :(
    • Actually it was suppose to be Naryu's game with color, it was called Oracle of Light and would deal with the 6 pieces of the rainbow of color in also traveled between a Light World and a Dark World...