Why did Link get imprisoned in the mirror? He didn't have the COURAGE to face Ganon by himself! Because Harkinian took the TRIFORCE OF COURAGE.
Perhaps the King was so easily defeated and captured because the Triforce of Courage wasn't his to take.
The TRIFORCE OF WISDOM said the King would safely return. Nothing was said about "when" or "with whom".
Eating an Octorok wouldn't really be that bad. If you think of it, Octoroks are just Hyrule version of octopuses, and octopus is a delicacy in some countries.
Why does the General Store guy act so suspicious? When you don't have enough rubies, he says, "You'll have to wipe out a few more Goriyas to get that." Considering that in Faces of Evil every Goriya Was Once a Man, this may mean that the shopkeeper is aware of it and still encourages Zelda to kill the transformed citizens for their money.
If "Only Link can defeat Ganon", how come Zelda does it in Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure? Perhaps the prophecy was only in reference to that one event?
Considering that the scroll used by Gwonam only has gibberish on it, and he doesn't even look at it while he's reading, one could assume that was made up.
In Faces of Evil, Ganon kidnaps Zelda without anybody knowing about it. It's only revealed later on with a cutscene. Yet at the end of the Tutorial, Link says "Let's find Zelda!" What.