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  • Executive Meddling: This article suggests that Philips required CD-i games to contain FMVs in order to show off the capabilities of the system.
  • Fan Nickname
    • King's retainer - Fari
      • Also "The Spaniard", because of his looks.
    • The baker - George
    • As well as some less used ones, like Ushrom for the Wand of Gamelon shopkeep.
    • Gwonam is sometimes referred to as "Squadallah Guy".
    • The games themselves are collectively known as the "Unholy Triforce."
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: The "Beer Guy" is Homer Simpson, but his voice is done like Barney's.
  • Old Shame: Nintendo has made every effort to erase these games from the official Zelda history (which angered some people who like Zelda CD-I). It's gotten to the point where a magazine preview for Spirit Tracks claimed that that game was the first time you could play as Zelda, which angered people who like Zelda CD-I. In fact, she's the player character in two of these.
    • Yes and no. That magazine, Nintendo Power, has acknowledged the existence of the CD-i games occasionally, usually to mock it which is an insult to fans of Zelda CD-I.
  • What Could Have Been: In one cutscene in Wand of Gamelon, Zelda is seen wearing the same outfit she wore in the Legend Of Zelda cartoon. It's highly likely that, at one time, the game was meant to tie into the cartoon.