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 Militron: "You must be hardened with fire!"

Hectan: "YES, Master..."


 Impa: "Oh, my! Your father has been captured!"

Zelda: "...What about Link?"

    • Justified as the Triforce of Wisdom promises The King will safely return.
    • Also:

 Ganon: "You are my prisioner!"

Fari: "Hey!"

  • Anticlimax Boss: Ganon being...sealed in a book in The Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon.
    • It happens to every boss in those two games,actually.
  • Cult Classic: Of the So Bad It's Good variety.
  • Deader Than Disco: Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon — plus Zelda II's reputation as the Oddball in the Series — basically killed any chance of there being any further side-scrolling Legend of Zelda games.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Morshu is very popular, despite having only 2 lines of dialogue in the entire game. Mmmmmm!
    • The King is only really important to the storyline of Wand of Gamelon, and not very much at that. He only ever shows up in the intros and endings of the games. However, he's one of the staples of Youtube Poop.
    • Militron is one of the most popular bosses of the game, probably because he actually looks badass.
  • Fountain of Memes: Seems that every line is not only quotable, but it's very easy to remember the entire dialogue of the game when tried.
  • Ho Yay: A BDSM relationship is implied between the King and Duke Onkled. Poopers jump on this quite often with videos such as The King's Secret. Although, to be fair, in that vid everybody is gay.

 Duke Onkled: "Please, Your Omnipotence, have mercy!"

    • May be a bit squicky because Harkinian and Onkled are cousins.
  • Iconic Character Forgotten Title: The game starring Link is actually titled Link: The Faces of Evil not The Legend of Zelda: The Faces of Evil.
  • Memetic Molester: Thanks to one of his lines in Wand Of Gamelon made very questionable via Mondegreen ("Keep the c*** [1] in chains!"), this incarnation of Ganon is seen as one. Not to mention there's the scene where he kidnaps a sleeping Zelda in The Faces Of Evil...
    • Ushrom's rather creepy mannerisms as well as 50% of his dialogue in his only appearance of the CDi games (as well as the entire Zelda franchise) being misinterpreted as something much worse has earned him this status as well.
  • Memetic Mutation: Pretty much everything.
  • Nightmare Retardant: Ironically, many of the bosses in the game fall victim to this. It's hard to be scared of the villains when all of them have Narmful designs, bombastic acting and just plain weird methods of terrorizing people.
  • Plot Hole: The ending to Wand of Gamelon makes no sense whatsoever. When did Link get trapped in a mirror? How come The King acknowledges Zelda saving him only after they're back in the castle? What are The King and Zelda laughing at?
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Sort of.
  • Snark Bait: These games are known for being fun to make fun of, especially being So Bad It's Good games from an already otherwise famous series.
  • So Bad, They're Freaking Epic: It's very hard to sit through the cutscenes without laughing.
  • Squick: The big-lipped blonde woman in Faces of Evil, who seems to be hitting on Link to get him to recover her stolen necklace and briefly feels herself up when he does.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Two of them feature Zelda in the starring role. How awesome would it be to play a competent Zelda game starring Action Girl Zelda?
  • Uncanny Valley: GOOD GOD.
  1. It's supposed to be "the runt"