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7goldenvampires 8435

Hammer Horror meets Chinese Kung Fu cinema.

In 1803, man named Kah awakens Dracula from his slumber and asks him if he could help bringing his masters, The 7 golden Vampires, back to power. Dracula instead decides to take whole operation over and sets out to China. Cut to hundred years later. Professor Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) is lecturing in China, but is about to leave as his vampire theories has been met with disbelief. He then meets Hsi Ching (David Chiang), who tells him of his home village, which under Dracula's and Golden Vampires' terror, and asks his help. Van Helsing agrees and sets out with Hsi Ching's brothers and sister to the village.

Tropes used in The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires include:

"Who dares to disturb the sanctity of Dracula?"
